Vacha Legacy

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Generation 3, Chapter 12

Vacha Family

I wanted to start off this chapter with some of the NPCs I've come across in Strangetown.

The original Diva, Jill, is now Burdock's wife and has given him 3 lovely children. Here is her replacement (who's name I failed to jot down). I don't know about you, but I think the Vacha's got the better of the Divas! (I was surprised that the Diva was an overweight sim, just didn't seem to fit, you know?)

And here's an almost-Cleve I've come across in my game. :-) Nope, don't remember his name either, but he's obviously a bartender. *g* And no, he won't be making any appearances in the Vacha family!

Okay, and now back to the real story. We stop off for a brief visit at the main Legacy lot.

Jill gets the phone call that her romance novel was a best seller and the publisher wants her to start a whole series based on this character Borage. Does it come as any surprise her novel sold like hotcakes, considering her inspiration was Burdock? :-)

Speak of the devil, the poor guy was just cleaning up after dinner and his father decided a scare was in order. Thank goodness Talin and Anise mostly limit themselves to scaring the one sim in the house that enjoys it. *g*
"Does it LOOK like I'm enjoying this?"
Yes. You have a white ghost floating over your head instead of a red one. Now shush up and finish cleaning up from dinner.
"*grumble, mutter, complain*"

And it is time for the twins to go join their big sister and the elder of their cousins at Sim State! They did pretty well for themsevels in scholarships. But I really don't know how people have the patience to go for more than the skills these days.

Apparently, the twins had too much luggage to be able to take the same taxi to college. (I really wish you -could- have twins at least leave in the same taxi.)

Vacha Family
Satellite Home

Basil reaches a lifelong dream of becoming an accomplished chef. Well, okay, so it wasn't a dream of his. But he still maxed out the skill.
"I just like the candies."
It's a good thing you like the obstacle course too, considering you refuse to put a shirt on, Basil.

Oh yeah, Jan, that's real ladylike. Even Basil seems more than a bit put off by that and he's dating the Slob right now!

I'm sure there's already been pictures of the baby of Gen 3 as a teen, but she's just so darn pretty here's another picture. Man, I'm kicking myself for not having Basil as the heir, because both of his daughters are so bloody gorgeous and so different from each other!

After a long conversation, where he made it clear in no uncertain terms he had no intention of ever getting married again, Basil finally worked up the courage to ask Lindsay Olshfski (the Slob) to move in. She only came with $14 to her name and was a Pleasure sim with a LTW of 100 First Dates. Thankfully, this is NOT the Legacy lot, just my main Satellite lot. And although I usually follow all the same rules on this lot, this one time I made an exception. So now Lindsay is a Knowledge sim with a LTW of becoming a Criminal Mastermind. She's a Libra with the following rather heinous stats: 0/6/0/4/5. Thank goodness she's not being allowed to breed!
"What do you mean I don't get to breed? I moved in here just for the sex!"
There's a difference, dear, between being allowed to have sex and being allowed to have kids. You need to keep my boy happy, after all, so feel free to have all the sex you want. And now that you're no longer interested in dating all of Strangetown (I'm not even sure there ARE 100 people for you to date!), I don't have to worry you're going to break his heart like Suzie did.
"Oh, I heard about that tramp. Didn't she die? Or run away? Something like that..."
Yes, something like that. *whistles innocently*

I have to say, for a Slob, Lindsay sure does clean up well. Okay, so she's only allowed to take baths and she still farts at the most inappropriate places, but she sure does look good. :-)

"Oh honey, I'm home!"
"Hi sweeth--hmmph!"
*sigh* If only my husband would greet me like that when I walk in the door...

~*sigh* Basil is such a good kisser.~
~Mmm, Lindsay is such a good kisser.~
Glad to see they're so compatible. :-) Yup, 2 lightingbolts and usually one or the other of them has a want to do something with the other one. *grin*

*cough* See?
"Go away, Aer. My girl and I are busy."
Going.... *whistles in a very self-congratulatory manner*
"Don't go getting all cocky there, Aeronwy. You screwed up big time with my wife you know!"
Nope, didn't screw up at all. She gave you 2 of the prettiest sims I think I've just about ever seen. And her stats were GREAT for passing on. Then we got her out of the way and now you get a pretty sim who's crazy about you and is already best friends with both your daughters.
"Well, yeah, but you had to break my heart first."
Every artist needs to suffer for their craft.
"But it's YOUR craft, not mine!"
Hmm, good point... Sorry?

She really isn't destined to be a Popularity sim, I think. Here's Aspen maxing out her Llogic skill.

Oh look! Here she is maxing out her Body skill.

Well, let's see now... here's the baby of the family maxing out her Cooking skill.

*gasp* Quelle surprise! Here's Aspen maxing out her Mechanical skill.
I forced her to keep her Charisma, Cleaning, and Creativity at 9 points, so that if during college, she rerolls as a Knowledge sim and gets the LTW to max all her skills, she'll be able to achieve it. :-)

"So daddy, I know I'm only a Junior in high school, but I really think I'm ready for college. I'm always on the dean's list and I want to get there before my cousins all graduate. It would be nice to get to know them better. And you know I'll keep getting my straight A's. And Ari's still there, so you know she'll keep an eye on me too!"
"Alright, pumpkin. We'll put through the paperwork to get you early admission into Sim State. But this house is going to be mighty lonely without you here."
"Don't be silly, dad. Lin's here with you now."
"But your my little girl. I can't believe how fast you've grown up!"

"But be careful with who you meet at college, pumpkin. Don't let yourself get all turned around by the freedom and all the boys. I don't want you to end up in an unhappy marriage because you think the person you meet at college is the one you should be with forever. Promise me you'll take things slowly and wait until you graduate to get engaged to anyone."
"I promise, daddy."

And here she is finishing up the last of the paperwork to get her into Sim State a year early. Ditzy me didn't have her grab a teen job first. Oh well. It's not like they're hurting for money over at university.

Next chapter, we get to join the Generation 3 Vacha children while they take over Sim State. 5 kids in college at once... at least it should be crazy enough I won't have any worries about getting bored! *g*

Monday, January 23, 2006

Generation 3, University Chapter 1

Vacha Family
Generation 3 - University Years

The eldest of the Generation 3 Vacha children arrives safely at Sim State. Arizona Vacha (oldest daughter of Basil (non-heir), oldest son of Anise (founder)). Her outfit is actually very cute, but she knew she could find something more suited to her.

"Of course, if I realized how angry people downtown were, I might have just stuck with my travelling clothes!"
I know what you mean, Ari. I hate how often people get in fights now. :-(

Geeze people, let the poor girl get through to the clothing racks at least! Yes, this is a SECOND fight in the time it took her to walk from where the taxi dropped her off to inside. *sigh*

She really doesn't look like she's enjoying it either. *comforts Arizona* I think this was the only time she went downtown all 4 years of college, the poor thing.

And here's her redecorated dorm room! Suits her to a T, I think. :-D

Our beautiful Arizona, sporting her new clothing and hairdo.

I can't get over how pretty she turned out. If I'd known Basil could produce a kid who looked like her, no way he would have lost out on the Heirdom.
"My life was much easier growing up though, knowing I didn't have to deal with all that legacy stuff."
You were still run by the same rules though...
"True. But we didn't -have- to be, was the point. And in fact, when we got too big for our old place, we just picked up and moved."
Good point.

She looks so happy at college. :-)

Even first thing in the morning, she looks perfect. *grumbles loudly*

I agree. *g*

Quite an accomplished young lady, isn't she?

Hehehe, I can't get over how small Chervil looks next to his cousin. They'll get to be fast friends when he joins her at school, but that's a ways off still.

Hmm... either this picture is out of order or Arizona did go downtown again... Not sure which.

Of course, I can't remember his last name, but meet Damion, the man who's captured Arizona's heart (2 lighting bolts!).

A year later, Coryander (oldest daughter of Burdock (heir), second son of Anise (founder)) joins Arizona at college. Again, I really like her outfit, it just doesn't fit with Cory. So she'll be going shopping soon too (I wonder if that's what that 3rd fight picture was from...)

And here's Cory's redecorated dorm room. Note the mass of open books on her desk. Already hard at work, knowing she's going to have to make it on her own when she graduates, since she's not the heir to the Vacha Estate.

This is a look that suits our Popularity sim much better!

She approved of the change as well.

Towards the end of her sophmore year, Arizona realized she truly had found the man of her dreams and asked Damion to marry her. It looks like he thinks she's quite a catch too, since he didn't even hesitate before he said yes.

Dude, you're supposed to be giving her a back rub, not climbing inside her skin!

And this picture just FREAKED me the heck out. Arizona is talking about her UNCLE (Burdock) here!! And no, there was no hidden thought bubble of someone else she was attracted to. I mean, yeah, Burdock is a hottie, but geeze, she's his neice and a Family sim for crying out loud!

Besides, he is VERY much in love with his wife. An autonimous action on his part that they both had the want for. Is it any wonder she wrote her romance novel about him? :-) Next chapter will be much bigger. I'll probably just shove all of the remaining college years in there for all 5 Vacha children.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Generation 3, Chapter 11

Vacha Family

Okay, Chamy, I know you're a Romance sim and all, but don't you think it's a little creepy to be congratulating your father about WooHoo?
"What? Mom was saying how good in bad dad was and I think it's great a guy his age can still perform."
*mutters softly under her breath about creepy kids*

And here Chervil sneaks out to go hit the town with his cousin, Aspen. Not sure where she got such a hot car from, but oh well!

And a successful dash back inside and into bed! But boy, was he exhausted when he got home from school later that day. :-D

*walks away*

Talin didn't waste any time coming to check out that his bed was still there. But that was about all he did that night, besides wander around aimlessly.

Anise also made an appearance that same night. She's happy to see their marital bed was still around as well.

Unlike her husband though, she didn't stop there. She made her feelings on Chamomile's change QUITE plain!
"Damnit, Aer, can't you do something about their tombstones?"
Nope. Sorry. Going to TRY to keep them around for my ghost points.
"I get to move out soon and never come back, right?"
Nope again, kiddo. You're the heir. You're the only one who HAS to come back.
"#*$&%$^(%^, then get rid of these stupid ghosts!"

What with them being a Romance sim and a Pleasure sim, the twins decided their room needed a decided make-over. I rather like how it turned out! (Although I did have to move the plants to the foot of their beds, since they couldn't get in.)

Le Rowr! *winks at Cleve* Jill reached the top of the Criminal Career track. Now, normally, I'd then start sending a perma-plat sim bouncing through careers to snag the rewards. But, I'm sorry, she looks freaking HOT in this outfit! She gets to stay right where she is. :-) I'm sure Burdock will find some way to thank me. Hmm, you know, I think her portrait might have to be redone in this outfit...

Although apparently, Anise doesn't think much of her daughter-in-law being a Mastermind Criminal. Made the poor woman pee her pants there!
"You had to point that out to them? I mean, they might not have noticed if you hadn't said anything!"
Oops. Um, my bad. Guys? Forget I said anything, okay?
"It's too late now. They've all seen it."
Oh, quit pouting. You're still a good looking sim. I can make you stop drinking Elixir and let you get old, you know...
"A little embarrassment is a good character builder."
Mm-hmm, I thought so. *smirks knowingly*

Why are you stomping on those flowers?
"Because I'm angry!"
Why are you angry?
"Because I've found ONE stinking teen in this desert stinking town and he turned me down for a kiss!"
But what does that have to do with those posies?
"They're just so pretty and I don't want to see them!"
*steps out of earshot*
Poor Chamomile. Being a Romance sim, all she wants to do is flirt and kiss and stuff. And I've had a devil of a time finding teens for some reason. Well, I should say, teens she didn't have a negative lightening bolt with. Poor thing was heading for a shrink visit when she fortunately ran into Arizona's old boyfriend, Blair. He's certainly an easy one to have a teen hook up with. :-)

"Basil, what happened to Suzie?"
"I don't know dude."
"It's me. Your brother. You can tell me."
"I swear, I don't know. We'd had another fight and she went storming off to the back corner of the yard, near Bovine's cage. I never saw her again."
"You promise you didn't do anything? I remember how you got when we were kids..."
"Nah. Now, her lover, Amar... let's just say that Bovine fed well that night."
"Basil, Basil, Basil... don't you know the cops can find stuff like that?"
"I've already refertilized his cage and milked him to remove any essence of Amar. It's cool."

~Sis, the place is going to be ours soon!~
~Finally, the old stick-in-the-mud is going off to college.~

~I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast!~

*pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head*
Chamy, you're not supposed to be checking out your -own- butt.
"Why not? I've got a FINE backside here."

Will all of her free time, only having to work a few evenings a week, Jill has decided to write a novel. A romance novel. Of course, she's a Fortune sim. Wonder where she's getting her inspiration from?

I don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I think that's pretty sweet. And looks like a good place to close out this chapter.