Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Generation 4, Chapter 5

Vacha Family
Satellite Home #3 - Home of Aspen and Jessica Vacha

I would like to introduce you to the best freaking nanny in the game. Please meet Nicole Thompson. I swear, this woman was a LIFE SAVER for Aspen and Jessica. She took care of feeding Jessie.

She took care of cleaning, because the new mom had no money to hire a maid and very little time to clean.

She showered lots of affection on little Jessica, reassuring her that despite her beginnings she was loved and cared for.

Lots of affection! She also bathed Jessica and put her into her crib and *shock* took her OUT of her crib when she woke up!! In fact, after her mom, Nanny Nicole was Jessica's first friend. :-D So it is possible to get a good nanny. *beams happily*

Time, as it always does, continued to fly past and before Aspen knew it, it was time for Jessica to turn into a child and get ready for school.

And here's our sweet girl after she blew out her candles.

Realizing the time goes quickly, Aspen had a family portrait taken of her and Jessica just before her daughter started school.

"Nanny Nicole, momma says fate is in the stars and it was my other parents' time to go to heaven so momma and I could be together."

"And some day, Nanny Nicole, we're going to go on a cruise! Do you think I'll see my other mommy there?"

I kept trying to snap a picture of Jessica dreaming of her parents, but I always JUST miss it. But at least I got a picture of her dreaming of Aspen. *grin*

"We're okay with money, dad, really. It's tight, but we're doing okay. I've got another promotion coming up, so the bonus will help. But thanks for offering."

"Bye Bus Lady! School was fun!! I'll see you tomorrow!"
Unfortunately, I couldn't angle things so you could see Jessica's face and the bus driver's face, but the bus driver was actually smiling! I don't think I've ever seen her smile at a kid before. It's like all the NPCs and Townies in Strangeville know what a rough start Jess had and are going out of their way to make things good for her. :-)

Hmmm, methinks we have a Burkie-in-training here! :-D

Aspen makes sure to teach Jessica the importance of good study habits.

Oh no! Why'd you have to come around, you stinky burglar! These two are just barely starting to get ahead and now YOU show up? Fortunately, the thief tried to sneak around to the back of the house after triggering the alarm in the front, giving the cops time to show up before she stole anything. So I guess not every NPC is playing guardian angel to Jessica. *frowns fiercely*

"This poor kid. She's already had it so rough and now this. I promise, we'll have a patrol car swing by each night for a while to make sure you're both okay."
"Thank you, officer. We appreciate it."

Aww, poor Jess. It's okay, sweetie. The burglar didn't take anything.
"But it was still scary!"
Um, you know you slept through it, right?
"But she could have come and taken my mommy! *wails*"
(Sadly, both she and Aspen are STILL angry at the thief, even though Jessica is now off at college in my current game play. They really do stay mad far too long.)

"Yes! I got an A+! Mommy's going to be so proud of me!"
Especially what with her being a knowledge sim. :-)

We'll close with a sweet ritual these two do every morning. Either a hug or a family kiss. 90% of the time it's purely autonomous. So as you can see, Jessica is doing fine after the death of her parents. But wait until you see her as a teen. She's stunning! :-)


Blogger Just Moi said...

Awwww that was so sweet.
Aspen and Jess look to be wonderful together just like a mommy and daughter should be.
Wow I guess you lucked out with a good nanny never seen her in my game but I hope if I need a nanny she'll show up instead of Calista

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Nanny Nicole your first try for a nanny? If so, what awesome luck. I've yet to get a great one. Most of the time they're ok, but they do have a bad habit of leaving the toddler in the crib while he/she is awake. Now if it's an infant, that's a whole different story. Noone can seem the leave the darn babies ALONE!!! Great update!

10:48 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

Shockingly enough, yup, Nicole was their first shot at a nanny. (Not MY first use of a nanny, trust me, I’ve seen the horrible ones! But I thought it was so perfect that Jessica gets the only fantastic nanny I’ve ever seen after the tragedy she went through. *grin*) Your experience is my usual experience, Simaholic. I'm usually counting the seconds until the parent gets home and can take care of the child properly.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Marcie said...

Wow! A good nanny! That's pretty awesome

5:00 PM  
Blogger SpongebobTanu said...

great update. i'm so happy for the two of them.

7:08 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

That was the sweetesst chapter ever. Don't you just LOVE it when you get a good Nanny? I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever gotten a bad one. I guess they just know who's the CAPTAIN! HOOHA!

And speaking of captain ... nice plug for Burke with the banana homework booklet thingy. That was cute ... or providential. ;O)) Is she gonna find copies of "The Heiress" to check out ... so she becomes addicted to Burke like the rest of us? Hehe. Wouldn't that be an interesting twist!

Great update!

10:01 PM  
Blogger S Ramis said...

*jawdrop* a good nanny!!!
I am impressed! Jessica deserves Nanny Nicole -she's had some bad times. LOL at Jessica being a future burkie -loved the cover of the homework :)
*makes a point to view sims homework closer*
Great update in your satellite house!

12:50 PM  
Blogger Roo said...

Hi there, new reader to your blog, gotta say I love your writing style! Keep up the good work, oh how I love the drama!

5:09 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

That was such a touching chapter, Aer! Very sweet. Aspen and Jessica seem like they were made for each other. =)

9:38 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Ditto what Kristen said. Jessie was such a lucky girl to get a good nanny, too!

2:35 PM  
Blogger Bubbs said...

Yeah Aspen adopted Jessie! I wondered what you were going to do about that one. Great family you have here...

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwhh... Poor Jessie! She's such a brave little soldier! Love the drama with Chamy and Cher, as eyebrow-raising as it was, and I've gotta say, baby Daisy has gotta be the cutest baby I've ever seen. Such beautiful eyes!! x

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, Basil (or Burdock...?) is hunky now he has had that facelift. Very cool. =)

8:43 AM  

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