Thursday, February 09, 2006

Generation 3, University Chapter 4

Vacha Family
The University Years

**WARNING** There are two naked male butt shots in this chapter. I've gotten so used to not having the blur thingy in my game, that I didn't even realize these should have been blurred until now. *cough* So, um, yeah, there's a naked man, but in both pictures of him you can't see anything but his hiney. :-)

Var-Annya got a visit from Connor Olshfski, the Streaker. I wonder if this is Lindsay's younger brother? *g*

Okay, I think we ALL know little Miss Romance here wouldn't actually be shocked by a bit of nudity, so I can only guess what's making her gasp like that. *whistles innocently*

I guess whatever made her gasp, she rather liked, eh? *cackles*
"Shush up and go away. I've got some work to do with this one before I can see if what he advertises holds true."

In the meantime, I guess she decided to go with someone a little easier to woo, our trusty mascot, Skylar.

I told you this girl moves fast. She'd met the Grand Vampire... you know, haven't a clue when she met him. She talked on the phone with him once, then invited him over. Same night and she's already got Count Nolan Perry falling for her! (They have 1 lighting bolt when she's in everyday clothes and 2 lighting bolts when she's in a bathinsuit. Guess what she wore every other time she invited him over...)

Um... Chamy?
"What? Can't you see I'm busy here?"
Yes, I can. But why are you thinking about your brother while you're flirting with the Count?
"Because... never you mind why. Nosy wench!"
*stares at Chamomile*
"Go away."
This isn't over.

At least the Count has gotten Chervil off her mind.

I don't know about you, but Count Nolan looks quite shocked that he's the one being sucked on there, instead of the other way around.

"Who are you?"
I'm the controller. You can call me Goddess.
"Nolan, sweetie, we just call her Aeronwy. Don't bother with that goddess nonsense."
*clears her throat* ANYWAY... Count Perry...
You realize it's rude to not only be staring at her chest like that, but to be grinning like the proverbial cat that ate the canary on top of it is, well, it's downright ungentlemanly.
"She's a romance sim, Aeronwy."
And your point is?
"She likes this."
It's demeaning.
"No it's not, Aer. It just means he's recognizing some of my better assets."
*closes her eyes* I'll never win with you, will I?

The residents of Var-Annya parked the old sedan on the lawn and brought home a fancy new car. Just watch out for speed traps, kids! (And I haven't a bloody CLUE where I got the "invisible" driveway. If I find it again, I'll let you all know. Because it's rather neat to be able to park the car on the lawn like that.)

Chamomile and Aspen break convension yet again. The girls talk about sports over some pizza and beer. (Well, pizza at least.)

It's kind of hard to see (I didn't realize I was so far away), but Chamomile just earned 15,000 aspiration for snagging her 5th lover while at college.
So, Chamy, did Connor display false advertising?
"*smiles broadly and wanders off* I'm sleepy now, Aer. Come back later."

And our little braniac maxes out her Charisma skill. Fortunately, she also hit the end of her sophmore year. And, hard as it is to believe, I really honestly truly did roll a 2 on my dice. Knowledge aspiration, here we come! And yes, with only 1 point left in 1 skill, she IMMEDIATELY spun up the want to max out her skills. AND it was her LTW. So, being the kind and generous controller that I am...

Aspen was sent to max out her Cleaning skill. Of course, since she's from the Satellite lot and won't even be moving back there but to her own place downtown, the IW point doesn't count. But she finishes up her last 2 years of college and all of her adult life already in platinum. :-) I swear, she was THE BRIGHTEST sim I've ever had in my game. I've never seen someone learn skills like she did!
"Aer, shush, you're making me blush."
Sorry, Aspen. But damn, do I wish you were my heir.
"Don't be sorry. I get to live my life the way I want with no cares or worries."
Good point.

And with Aspen finishing up her Sophmore year and becoming a Junior, it's time for the twins to graduate and head back home. (No, nobody gets graduation parties, or birthday parties, or wedding parties, or any sort of party. I absolutely SUCK at throwing Sim-parties and I'd rather they not have one than have a bad one.)
So, anyway, here's Chervil growing up. Yeah, um, purple and tan are just so not his colors.

And here's Chamomile growing up into an adult as well. Again, not exactly an outfit that just screams our Chamy, is it... They'll be going shopping when they get back to Strangetown.

Speaking of shopping, let's just fast forward in time here. In her senior year, Aspen decided to give herself a make-over. And yet, despite being this gorgeous, she STILL doesn't find a man (or woman) who remotely intrigues her. I guess the business with her mom and dad and then her dad's warning before she went off to college really stuck with her. (I've never seen a sim so picky. The only person she was remotely attracted to was Vidcund. And that was just SO not going to happen.)

Hopefully Chamomile's influence will wear off as she gets older...

Her only real addition to the Greek House after the rest of Generation 3 graduated was this mural she put in the study room. Of course, I think Generation 4 will have to tear the whole thing down and rebuild from scratch, because there's already 5 of them and 2 of Gen 3 haven't had kids yet!

And the youngest from Generation 3 graduates. Finally, an adult outfit I think I just might keep. :-D

I know pictures got VERY scarse there, but Aspen's Junior and Senior years were spent working on classwork, doing her term papers, going to class, and stargazing. And she STILL didn't get abducted. I did send her downtown a couple of times to see if she could find someone who interested her (who wasn't her grandmother's stalker!), but no luck. I guess we'll have to hope she meets someone at work.

And here ends the University Years for another generation. Next chapter we'll check in on the older kids from Generation 3 and see how they're doing.


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

GOD I love those nekkid butt shots. *drool* Do you notice that the male sims just have very nice gluteus maximii?? Is it just me who notices this? Hehe. And Chamy just ... she's just TOO MUCH! *ROTFL* Looking at the streakers dangly bits like tat. Tsk-tsk-tsk! *ROTFL* I can't wait to see what kind of trouble she gets into as an adult. Maybe the count will bit her in the tush! ;O))

8:33 PM  
Blogger Just Moi said...

This was fun to read Chamy is her own gal isn't she? :)

9:49 PM  
Blogger Marcie said...

Yee haw! That Chamy is GREAT!

1:28 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Wow, Chamy has become even more gorgeous if that's possible. And I think if Chervil changes clothes and shaves the mustache, he'll be cute. =) Oh and Aer, I think you need to attend a DA meeting...Downloader's Annonymous...hehe.

8:32 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Hey great, everyone is through college now. Loved those nekkid butt shots! Hooray for Aspen rolling knowledge, she must have been a closet knowlege sim all her life. Never ever got anyone abducted while in college so you're so not alone in that.

2:34 PM  

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