Monday, January 02, 2006

Generation 3, Chapter 9

Vacha Family
Satellite Home - Basil

Aaaah, such a happy family. If only pictures told the whole story...

I don't think I've ever seen a teen autonimously tuck in a child. But Arizona really is like a mother to Aspen. :-)

The sisters share a good morning kiss.

And a nice quiet family breakfast, talking about the latest bands.

You think maybe Suzie's starting to catch on? She sits down for breakfast and suddenly the table clears of everyone else.

Arizona makes sure she and Aspen get to school on time.

Suzie, for shame! You shouldn't be gossiping about your husband like that!

If this woman were any more of a brazen hussy, she'd be ravaging her lovers in front of her husband... I can't even remember the name of this one. I think this is lover 8 now.

Do we have to keep watching?

"No, you don't. You can go away and leave Suzie and me some privacy!"


Suzie, you know Arizona's home, right?
"Who cares? It's not like she hasn't seen me before."

Geeze, watch where you put those hands... um, whatever your name is! She's a married woman!

"Aspen is growing up so fast, dad. She's going to be entering high school soon. So, have you thought any more about what we'd talked about?"
"Not today, pumpkin. Please, just give me one day without badmouthing your mother."

This is a co-worker of Basil's who came home from work with him. The two of them were hanging out in the hot tub, drinking some beers and telling tall tales about busts they'd made. Basil got out to go to the bathroom and who should slip in, but Suzie. This does not bode well...

"You look like a fine specimen of a man. I bet your a real tiger in bed!"
"Lady, I work with your husband!"
"So? He walks around oblivious to everything. You know you want me. Everyone does."
Fortunately for my sanity, Basil's friend took that moment to say it was getting late and he had to go home.

I'm guessing he must have said something to Basil the next day at work though and the two of them got into a fight, 'cause something happened to get poor Basil fired. (It wasn't a bad chance card; no, really, it wasn't! Honest! *looks innocent*)

"Lindsay, how am I going to provide for my family? I've got a little bit of money tucked away, but not enough for long!"
Basil called his best friend, Lindsay Olshfski (a.k.a. The Slob), wondering what he was going to do now that he was unemployed.

Fortunately, Lindsay seems to know just how to get Basil laughing again.
"I can't believe how lucky I am to have a friend like you, Linds!"
Yeah, dude, if only you knew some of the wants she's got for you... (I used the ask command. I think she's got a bit of a crush on Basil, even though he's never used any flirt commands.)

Suzie brings home a co-worker of her own, Amar Futa. Too bad the plants lining the driveway blocked her view. Otherwise, she might have seen Basil's motorcycle sitting there.

Yes, this is the same day Basil got canned, as you can see if you look carefully at the background. He's still quite upset about it. Suzie, in the meantime, is getting busy on conquest #9.

Basil and Arizona watch as Aspen finally grows out of her childhood. This is one VERY busy day in the Vacha household!

Aspen Vacha, Popularity sim. She likes blondes with glasses, but not when they cover up that wonderful hair with a hat. Her lifetime want is to have 20 best friends. She turned out to be quite a beautiful young lady too!

Basil heads out to take care of some bills while he's still got money in his savings account.
~Hmm, who's that Suzie's playing with? I don't think I know him.~
Poor Suzie has her back to the house, or maybe, just maybe, things might have stopped there.

Alas, she went in for another kiss from Amar while Basil was standing right there.


"What is wrong with you! How could you do this to our family!"
"Basil?? What are you doing here?"
"I live here! I lost my job today because I got in a fight with my friend when I thought he was starting trouble by telling me you'd come on to him! Now I see he was telling me the truth!"
"Basil, I don't know what your friend said, but I never touched him!"

"And what about all the people you've slept with while our children were home!!"

"How dare you betray me and the girls like this!"
"Basil, I-- I-- I'm sorry..."
"Sorry doesn't cut it!"

"How can you treat me like this? I thought you loved me!"
"I did. Once."

Suzie, hon, I don't think you're entitled to tears when you brought this on yourself.

She spent the next day or so eating her meals on her own.

And Basil began sleeping on the couch, unwilling to share a bed with her anymore.

Yeah, I don't blame you for shielding your eyes from her. I probably would too, if I were in your shoes.
"Shut it, Aer. You saw what she was doing and you could have stopped her."
Well, true. But she is a Romance sim. And it makes for good storytelling. *looks sheepish*

~I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall in love with someone who would betray me like this.~

~And this idiot! Didn't he know she was married! Man, he better hope I never get my hands on him!~
*coughs delicately* No worries of that, Basil. Your pet plant took care of him for you.
"Really? Such a good plant!"

"Aspen, hon, don't feel badly for mom. She brought this on herself. She's been bringing lovers home since before you were born. It was only a matter of time before she got too careless and got caught."

What will happen with Suzie? Will Basil ever forgive her? Will she move out and start her own life? Will Basil's childhood tendencies rear its ugly head? Tune in next time to find out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, great update! I found it hilarious at some points. I wonder if Suzie's going to leave the house. And her poor daughters!

8:29 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

So the DRAMA!!! Man ... I told you. All these romance sims get caught sooner or later ... or they end up having illegitimate children. Thus is the life of the romance sim!! I think Suzie needs to move out on her own and get herself straightened out. If she wants to live the life of a romance sim, she needs to do it in a single. :Op~~ *LOL*

10:39 PM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Sweet sweet Ari~ Nice to see those sisterly moments :) ... shame that mother been up to no good all this time *shakes head*

3:17 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Wow! The drama sure escalated, didn't it? Poor Basil, had no idea his wife was such a hussy. It's better this way and better for the family. So, when's she gonna move out? Basil can't sleep on the couch forever, which by the way, Suzie should be sleeping on, not him. Hrmph!

5:57 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Ok trying to leave another comment as I think the first one didn't go through. Oh those romance sims, yes they do make a good storyline if not anything else. Basil better break up with his wife, it doesn't look like she is going to change her ways.

11:58 AM  

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