Friday, November 25, 2005

Generation 3, Chapter 5

Vacha Family

It's time for the twins to finally gain a smidge of independence. (Thank goodness!)

An adorable picture of Burdock tickling Chamomile before helping her blow out her candles.


And our sweet little Chamy as a toddler.

Now it's time for her brother to grow up as well. Such a mature, considering pose he's got going on there. :-)

"Mom? Did you guys throw me about like that when I grew up too?"
Heh, Coryander doesn't look so thrilled with her parent's birthday traditions, does she...

And young Chervil making a face after becoming a toddler.

And after getting rid of that horrid powder blue tuxedo. I mean, who on earth puts a toddler into a tux for everyday wear!!

So Chamomile is a Virgo, with 10 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 4 serious, and 9 nice.
Chervil is a Scorpio, with 10 neat, 8 outgoing, 8 active, 6 playful, and 1 grouchy.

"Mr. Headmaster, my granddaughter has aspirations to become a surgeon and I believe your school will aid in her quest. You will grant her entry to your fine establishment, yes?"
I guess Anise really knows how to convince a guy. ;-)

The family portrait of the Vacha family, with Anise and her husband holding their youngest grandchildren. You can just barely make out that Chamomile got a makeover as well.

*giggle* Another fear I'd never seen before. Talin is definitely a typical elder. He's got a fear of e-mailing someone! *rolls on the floor laughing*

Whew, time sure does fly when you're having fun! Here Burdock is heading over to toddler Chervil to bring him to his birthday cake, but Chervil had ideas of his own. I guess he was tired of taking second billing to his sister, just because she was born first (and is the heir to the Vacha Legacy) so he grew up into a child in the nursery.

A very cute little boy and WITHOUT Talin's lips!! *sigh* Darn him being a boy though. He can't inherit the third generation. :-(

Here's sweet little Chamy being brought to her cake like a good little girl. Notice Cory in the back there noticing her little brother grew up all on his own. She's probably wondering why she had to wait for everyone to come make a fuss over her when she become a child.

"Time to blow out the candles, sweetie!"

And our heiress, Chamomile, grows into a cute little girl.

The three Generation 3 Vacha children sitting around watching TV together. Oddly enough, only Chervil looks like he's enjoying himself.

A shot of the twins bedroom, with their bunk bed, pirate ship bookcase, pirate ship "doll house" and treasure chest toy chest. (I hadn't bought their treasure map carpets yet, but you'll see those soon.)

The twins heading off for their first day of school. They look so excited!! I'm really not sure why Chamy looks like such a sourpuss all the time. I guess maybe she's overwhelmed, knowing she's going to have to figure out how to make this Legacy her own some day (especially when she's got no real personality...).

No, Cory doesn't desperately have to go to the bathroom. She's completely ignoring the freshly baked birthday cake sitting in the kitchen and instead decided that if Chervil didn't have to do the whole cake and crowd thing, neither did she. ;-) And see? I told you you'd see their treasure map rugs soon. *g*

Not too shabby there, Cory! But we can definitely do better for you I think.

And a shot of Coryander after she let her hair grow out a little during the summer break and got a new haircut and bought some new clothing. She definitely turned out quite pretty, I'd say!
Coryander is a Popularity sim, attracted to Red-heads and Blondes, turned off by fat and has a dream to become the Mayor of Strangetown.

This looks like a good place to end things for now. Enjoy!


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Wooooooooow ... they all grew up nicely! Those eyelashes!

And I LOVE the pirate theme you've got going. That little rug is so CUTE!

11:22 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Toddler Chervil looked so adorable in the new everyday outfit!

"I'm really not sure why Chamy looks like such a sourpuss all the time." ahh, one of the biggest TS2 secrets!

I thought that Coryander looked nice before aswell as after the makeover, but with the makeover you can really see her father in her face :)

9:21 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Great update! And I love those bunkbeds, so cute. =) Your family sure is growing up quick, aren't they? Off to the next chapter!

5:26 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Chervil is cutie :) Too bad he can't be the heir.

4:16 PM  

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