Thursday, October 20, 2005

Generation 2, University Chapter 2

Vacha Family

It is nice to see that Suzie Futa has managed to bring out a more normal side to Basil. True, they still spin up wants to WooHoo pretty much wherever they are, but they also constantly spin up wants to play and hug and flirt and give backrubs to each other. :-) (I can't imagine what a three-lighting bolt couple must be like!)

Basil has even been making lots of friends! Except for the fact that he -never- spun up the want to become Big Man on Campus, he'd made enough friends during his 4 years there to have succeeded. I've never seen the cafeteria worker come out from behind the counter, grab a bowl of his food, and sit down with one of the students before. And yes, he was still on shift!

*covers her eyes* These two really need to have like curtains or something up around them. Constantly!

Basil had a blast working as the DJ (and yes, he found yet another excuse to take his shirt off) and frequently spun up wants to do it again.

Poor Suzie, however, wasn't having -quite- as much of a blast at school. I don't know what originally set these two off, but Suzie and Kacper have hated each other since first semester Freshman year. Although it looks like Kacper tried to kiss Suzie here and she didn't appreciate it. (I wasn't paying attention to her until she'd already slapped him. And since I can't control either of these two, it's not always easy to see what they're up to. But they definitely made college interesting!)

Wussy-boy. Letting a girl see you cry like that! And whoo, does Suzie still look pissed.

Yup, they got into a nice tussle here.

I think this is the same fight, but I'm not sure. These two fought literally every day. Doesn't help that their rooms were directly opposite each other in the dorm. *snicker*

Hey, what a surprise! Suzie and Kacper are fighting again! And what does Basil do each time they start to fight? He goes running into his room. Probably because he knows there's no way he'd come out ahead if he got in the middle of his fiance and his best friend fighting. Yup, Kacper was the first friend Basil made in the dorms, after Suzie. :-)

And here's something I would have PAID to see in school. The cheerleader and the mascot getting into a hair-pulling, knockdown fight. And what's our boy doing? Chatting on the phone. He is SO not interested in all this fighting going on all around him. Not quite sure what's up with that... maybe there's not enough blood? Either that, or he's putting on an act for the other students.

Yup, Basil traipsing around without his shirt. Again. He really should just hook up with that guy and get it out of his system already. His constant thinking about him is sort of weirding me out, since that's the ONLY guy he'll get hearts about.

And lookie who's finally made it to college! Yeah, yeah, I know. That was rather abrupt. There are just a couple of household pictures from the time when Basil left until Burdock left. Not enough for its own chapter, so they'll show up in the first chapter after Basil graduates.

But remember my comment about Burdock being even brighter than his brother? He had 8's in all skills (except Body, which I specifically kept low, to give me an easy boost for those random "gain skill point" wants). He also had the Overachiever and the A+ grants. They don't have a pool table and I didn't work on his dancing much, so he didn't get those. *shrugs*

Erm, okay, I didn't realize this was going to look SO tiny. So, anyway, Burdock called the registrars office and registered as a Biology Major the moment he walked into his dorm. (He wasn't assigned the same dorm as Basil. Alright, fine, I admit it. I didn't want to put him into the same dorm and risk either Suzie or Kacper moving out. Their daily, sometimes more than once per day, fighting made me giggle.) His next order of business was to get rid of the hiddeous suit his mom insisted he show up at college in. I don't know -what- she was thinking, putting someone with his skin coloring in a deep purple suit with a bright pink turtleneck. *shudders*

Aaah, there we go. MUCH better! One thing I don't quite get with this kid... he makes some of the most bizarre expressions, for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Oh well. He's still a hottie. And he does have eyebrows, Kristen! He's just got his mom's delicate eyebrows, instead of his dad's Cro-Magnam eyebrows. :-b

I can't remember her name, but this -was- going to be Burdock's college sweetheart. I can't remember if they had 2 or 3 lighting bolts, but it was an instant attraction between them. She wasn't going to become his wife, 'cause she's a townie and not an NPC, but he would have had fun anyway. Instead, she became the dorm's living statue. I logged out of the game, I went to a different neighborhood, anything I could think of. She stayed like this the entire year Burdock lived in the dorm. (Basil's cafeteria worker did the same thing, but I put in a second stove, and another cook showed up. About a sim-week later, the first cook started moving again, so I deleted the second stove.)

And here's the on-campus house the boys moved into. They don't have much, since buying the house took most of their available cash, but they were able to *cough* "borrow" a few necessities from the dorms when they moved in. Burdock plans to found a Greek House here, Var-Annya Fraternity. (Closest I could get to anything remotely resembling Vasha.)

And what is one of Burdock's first orders of business in the new home? Why, set himself on fire, of course! The boy has a cooking skill of EIGHT and was making a bloody grilled cheese sandwich. Geeze. At least he'd met Weldon, a potential NPC mate for the daughter he'll have to make his heir. Who, of course, I forgot to snap a picture of.

Right after setting himself on fire (and for a Sim with max neat points, I would have thought he'd be -running- for the shower, but no...), he decided the computer needed fixing. I sat there chewing on my fingernails, figuring that 8 Mechanical skill wasn't going to save him from getting electrocuted. Fortunately, I was wrong.

Their first environment enhancing item! A present Suzie left on the doorstep for Basil. Isn't she sweet?

Yeah, I apparently got -really- sloppy with remembering to take pictures. Anyway, Basil has finished school, summa cum laud, with a degree in... erm, Philosophy I think? I dunno. Something that'll help him achieve his goal of becoming a professional party guest. ;-)

Poor Burdock looks so sad to see his brother leaving so soon. Either that, or he's wondering what the heck Basil was thinking, wearing this outfit. He's not exactly the hippy type, you know? So, next time, you'll either get to see Burdock's remaining college years or Basil as he adjust to adult life. Whichever strikes my fancy. ;-)

Yeah, I know. This chapter was kinda lame. :-/ It's hard to make everyday college stuff exciting though. But I wanted to get something up with both boys here. *shrugs* I'll do better next chapter, I promise.


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Yeah ... it is kinda hard to make everyday stuff kinda exciting. I mean, the last chapter of my Elemental legacy was like that, too.

Loved watching the fights though. ;O)) Hehe. And I have to agree with you about that purple suit. YEESH!! *all over body shudder*

And you hinted in the groups that Basil still has homicidal tendacies? Where'd it go while he was in college? I saw no sign! :O))

11:57 AM  
Blogger simstar28 said...

Maybe the reason he is thinking about that guy with hearts all around, is because he is passionate about killing the guy. He would be able to keep him around spiritually. And I don't know if you have the NL guide, but in there they explain all the hooplah about the lightning bolts, and how you get three lightning bolts, it is a combination of things. And there is a difference between attraction and chemistry. To me the lightning bolts are just a way to do interactions earlier in the relationship. And when they are on dates, both their wants are gonna steer toward the date.

Sorry about that, but I love the way you write your story, you got me hooked.

12:27 PM  
Blogger S Ramis said...

I loved the fights...
Real impressive on Burdock's skills! What a smarty-pants!!
It was fun catching up on the Vacha legacy! :0)

11:49 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Ok, so Burdock may have eyebrows, I'll give you that, but there's something about his eyes that creep me out. They're tiny and button-like!

And I loved all the fights with the fiancee and best friend. I love it when sims you can't control hate each other. Brandi and Marisa fought all the time when Jack first moved in and they would continually poke and shove each other and then cry about it.

I kinda like Basil and all his homicidal tendencies and crushing over a guy, I like him better than Burdock! Did I just say that? hehe. Great update!

1:07 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Burdock is hottie, of course. Ack for setting himself fire, at least he met the fireman. Quite an outfit, Basil! No worries Aer, this was a good enough chapter. :)

7:37 PM  

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