Saturday, October 08, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 6

Vacha Family

Burdock must have taken dancing lessons from Basil, looks like. :-)

"Moooom! I want a fish tank for my birthday!"

"You got all kinds of toys, pipsqueak. You've got more than I had, so quit whining."

Poor Burdock. Comforting himself by hugging Teddy tightly.

"No, Basil. You're supposed to save the victim. Not pinch his nose and cover his mouth so he can't breath!"
~Let's see how long it takes for the light to go out. 3 minutes? I can hold someone down for that long...~

I guess psycho killers need to be in the yellow to wear the Noodlesoother too, eh? Sorry 'bout that, Basil!

It's already time for our little angel to grow up into a teenager? Where -does- the time go!
"I know what you mean. I can't believe we're not going to have the little pitterpatter of children running around anymore."
*conveniently misses Anise's rather blunt hint*

Burdock's family cheers him on as he gets ready to blow out his candles.

Shall we see what Basil is thinking about here?
~ C'mon brows! If he has dad's brows too, then I still stand a shot of inheriting the legacy. C'mon brows!~
Ah, brotherly love.

Okay, the clothing and hair MUST be changed IMMEDIATELY. But dorky expression aside, Burdock's not a bad looking kid.

And here he is after his makeover. Kinda cute, if you ask me. Burdock is a Scorpio and a Knowledge Sim with the lifetime want to become Chief of Staff. VERY doable! Don't mind Burdock pouting there in the background. He'll get over it soon, I'm sure.

And Burdock follows in his big brother's footsteps and maxes out his creativity his first day as a teenager.

Unfortunately, he also followed in Basil's footsteps by killing the poor mannequin! The big difference, however, is you can see Burdock is attempting to administer CPR.

Unlike the older son however, Burdock at least displays his distraught feelings. Of course, being a knowledge Sim, I'm not sure if he's more upset over "losing a life" or failing in the skill. *snicker*

A close-up shot of Burdock getting out of the shower. It's not so easy to tell in this shot, but he's got his mom's very yummy slanted green eyes. :-D Super neat, SUPER smart (blows his brother away in his ability to learn skills like a freaking sponge), very cute, and has the great tilt to his green eyes. Yup, this one's our heir. *cheers*

"I've had it. I don't care that I don't have much in scholarships, I'm heading off to college. Bloody rotten pipsqueak is getting all the attention around here!"
Now, now, Basil. Don't go feeling too sorry for yourself. By not being the heir, it means you can marry whomever you want and you don't have to live in a house you built by yourself. Heck, when you have money, you can move to whatever house you want. You don't have to stay on this one lot!
"Oh, so I can move when the bodies start to smell? Sweet! Oops, pretend you didn't hear that, 'kay? I'd hate to have to hurt you, what with you being our controller and all."
I was hoping you'd grow out of your killer tendencies, but I guess not. I suppose that's why you want to reach the top of the slacker career too. More time for stalking your victims. *sighs* You feed and clothe them and try to teach them right from wrong and still, you can wind up with a Sim that scares the beejeezers out of you.

"You wanna say that again when you get me those scissors?"
I'm not getting you those scissors, Basil.
"Yes you are. I'll do something horrible in the future if you don't."
I am NOT getting you those scissors. You can just forget it.
"Fine, fine. I'm heading off to college. I won't have the parentals around at least, even if YOU'LL still be there."
Basil, I'll -always- be here.
"If you like to think so..."

You know, I think I'll be quite glad when Basil gets old and dies, if he doesn't die before then. *shudders*


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Or you could kill Basil right now. Give him those scissors he wants so bad. Let him run around happily with them. GO on. You know you want to. :O))

Great update. Hehe.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Basil *is* quite scary, isn't he? Um, but I have a question about the other totally slipped my mind at the moment. But where are his eyebrows? Not the cromagnun bone structure, but the actual eyebrows. Kind of lacking in that dept. =) *whining* c'mooonnnn....when's your next update?

5:26 PM  
Blogger simstar28 said...

I love Basil, scary is good. Hehe.

9:34 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Oh well, I still like your psycho killer even if he's not going to be a heir. But yes, Burdock is definately better choice for that.

6:30 PM  
Blogger Bubbs said...

Poor Basil...was the heir until his brother grew into a teen. *sigh*

1:26 PM  

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