Thursday, September 29, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 1

Vacha Family

Here's a shot of Basil's nursery room. There is a changing table in the corner you can't see, but yeah, it's pretty sparse. But then, infants don't exactly need much either, do they. ;-)

A sweet picture of Anise cuddling Basil. She actually didn't spend much time at home after his birth, however. Just that first day. She had changed careers to Law Enforcement and was anxious for some promotions. Besides, Talin was off for the next three days, so he got to play homemaker.

You know... I'm -always- nervous to have parents actually play with their infants, because they seem to throw up on then more often than not. Here, Anise managed to get away with it.

Gotta love those middle of the night feedings, don't you, Ani.
"What? I love taking care of my son. I'm getting enough sleep and they grow up just so darn fast."
Thank god for small favors.
"What was that?"
Hmm? Oh, nothing, nothing. Just go on taking care of your little one.

I sure hope you warm that cold porcelain sink up before you stick him in there.
"Well, of course I do. The tricky part is keeping him from making too much of a mess of the counters!"

A cute shot of Basil looking like he's having a blast getting bathed.

And Talin manages to dodge the Puke Gods. Actually, he never got thrown up on at all. That's simply not fair, if you ask me.


Poor Anise, on the other hand, had that ONE play session where she got lucky. Every other time, she got thrown up on. I even tried it when the kids hadn't been fed, when they'd just been fed, when they'd just woken up, when they'd been awake for a while... She just did not have any luck playing with her children.

"She was supposed to be mine. MINE! I'll show her! She can't resist me if I keep coming around. And if she thinks her husband is tossing the newspapers, she'll dump him and come back to ME!"

"Oh, Anise, my love! I'm back! Did you miss me?"

"Damnit, why won't she come out? This is the fifth time I've 'casually' strolled by her house and she still ignores me."

"Vidcund, I told you to stay away! The cops said if you come within 100 yards of me or my family they'll arrest you."
"We were meant to be together. You know it! We've even got those 2 little lightening bolts!"
"You're crazy and I want nothing to do with you. I'll whup your ass if that's what it takes to make you get the message, wimpy-man!"

Oooh, nice headlock you've got him in there, Anise!

"Hah! Take that, Vidcund. Now go away and don't come back!"
"You'll see. We'll be together yet. Accidents can happen to medical staff people."
"Another comment like that and I'll beat you up again."

Anise, sweetie, it's really not ladylike to gloat like that.
"Yeah, but I've got 2 lousy Body points and I -still- beat that wuss! I had rightous fury on my side!"
Okay, okay. You can gloat a little bit. Done? Good. Let's move on, shall we?

Anise had to miss Basil's birthday as he entered his toddler years, since she was due for another promotion at work. So Talin and Basil had a quiet celebration with just the two of them.

"Wow! My son can run through the air!"

And here's Basil, as an absolutely adorable toddler. I love the new NL toddler outfit, with the gloves and sweater. He looks so cute!

Talin? I hope you didn't just feed him, if you're going to hold him upside down like that.
"Nah, no worries. He only throws up for his mom. I'm safe."
Cocky bugger.

These two love playing together.

Here's Anise giving Basil his first big-boy bath. And yes, I didn't realize how dirty the tub had gotten. *blush*

Here's the little angel fast asleep. I've got to say, Basil is absolutely, without a doubt, the best kid I've had yet in the game. He never cries. I mean NEVER. He wakes up, rattles the railing for about 10-sim minutes, then sits down and plays until he's let out. He learns every skill I give him like he's a sponge or something. I just hope he doesn't turn into some sort of nightmare teenager...

Here, Basil has discovered the wonder of ... his nose.

And that, um, "interesting things" come out of his nose, if he digs around enough. *fidgets*

And then he spends the next several minutes trying to shake those "interesting things" off his finger. At least he always shoves his OTHER hand into his mouth...

And it's already time for Basil to grow up into a child! He spent his days mostly working up his Charisma skill. Got it to 5 or 6 (most of those without the use of Smart Milk, since he was hardly ever hungry). Just before 6:00pm, Anise brings him over to the cake, lights the candles and then they just stand there. I was worried I had a glitch already!

Instead, they were simply waiting for Talin to get out of his carpool and come join them. :-D

"Basil, no! Fire is hot. You don't touch the fire with your hands, sweetie."

And here's the miracle child as a, er child. You can't really see it in this picture, but this kid has got the biggest freaking lips I've ever seen! I know Anise has pretty and delicate lips, so I went and zoomed in on Talin and sure enough, he's got big lips too. He just sort of fits them, being all grown-up sized and all. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Basil grows into his lips too. Otherwise, he's actually a very good looking kid (the expression of surprise on his face notwithstanding).

"Hehehe, she'll never know it's me taking her newspapers still! She'll blame her husband and then when they get into a big fight, she'll come running to me for comfort."


Blogger Just Moi said...

Well here's hoping the stalker Vicund decided that she has gone on with her life and should leave her alone. Basil should grow up into his features and sometimes they don't look half bad :)

7:45 AM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Wow, Talin is a very lucky sim to avoid all that puking. Uh oh, Vidcund is creepy. Casually strolling by the house five times? Go Anise, beat him! Yay! Basil is adorable toddler, even when he discovers the wonders of his nose (eww). Oh Vidcund, stop stealing those papers already!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Bubbs said...

Vidcund really wants those newspapers....*snicker*


1:13 PM  

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