Vacha Legacy

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Generation 4, Chapter 5

Vacha Family
Satellite Home #3 - Home of Aspen and Jessica Vacha

I would like to introduce you to the best freaking nanny in the game. Please meet Nicole Thompson. I swear, this woman was a LIFE SAVER for Aspen and Jessica. She took care of feeding Jessie.

She took care of cleaning, because the new mom had no money to hire a maid and very little time to clean.

She showered lots of affection on little Jessica, reassuring her that despite her beginnings she was loved and cared for.

Lots of affection! She also bathed Jessica and put her into her crib and *shock* took her OUT of her crib when she woke up!! In fact, after her mom, Nanny Nicole was Jessica's first friend. :-D So it is possible to get a good nanny. *beams happily*

Time, as it always does, continued to fly past and before Aspen knew it, it was time for Jessica to turn into a child and get ready for school.

And here's our sweet girl after she blew out her candles.

Realizing the time goes quickly, Aspen had a family portrait taken of her and Jessica just before her daughter started school.

"Nanny Nicole, momma says fate is in the stars and it was my other parents' time to go to heaven so momma and I could be together."

"And some day, Nanny Nicole, we're going to go on a cruise! Do you think I'll see my other mommy there?"

I kept trying to snap a picture of Jessica dreaming of her parents, but I always JUST miss it. But at least I got a picture of her dreaming of Aspen. *grin*

"We're okay with money, dad, really. It's tight, but we're doing okay. I've got another promotion coming up, so the bonus will help. But thanks for offering."

"Bye Bus Lady! School was fun!! I'll see you tomorrow!"
Unfortunately, I couldn't angle things so you could see Jessica's face and the bus driver's face, but the bus driver was actually smiling! I don't think I've ever seen her smile at a kid before. It's like all the NPCs and Townies in Strangeville know what a rough start Jess had and are going out of their way to make things good for her. :-)

Hmmm, methinks we have a Burkie-in-training here! :-D

Aspen makes sure to teach Jessica the importance of good study habits.

Oh no! Why'd you have to come around, you stinky burglar! These two are just barely starting to get ahead and now YOU show up? Fortunately, the thief tried to sneak around to the back of the house after triggering the alarm in the front, giving the cops time to show up before she stole anything. So I guess not every NPC is playing guardian angel to Jessica. *frowns fiercely*

"This poor kid. She's already had it so rough and now this. I promise, we'll have a patrol car swing by each night for a while to make sure you're both okay."
"Thank you, officer. We appreciate it."

Aww, poor Jess. It's okay, sweetie. The burglar didn't take anything.
"But it was still scary!"
Um, you know you slept through it, right?
"But she could have come and taken my mommy! *wails*"
(Sadly, both she and Aspen are STILL angry at the thief, even though Jessica is now off at college in my current game play. They really do stay mad far too long.)

"Yes! I got an A+! Mommy's going to be so proud of me!"
Especially what with her being a knowledge sim. :-)

We'll close with a sweet ritual these two do every morning. Either a hug or a family kiss. 90% of the time it's purely autonomous. So as you can see, Jessica is doing fine after the death of her parents. But wait until you see her as a teen. She's stunning! :-)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Generation 4, Chapter 4

Vacha Family
Satellite Home #2 - Home of Coryander and Andrew Vacha

*Warning* Silly me, I've gotten so used to having the blur turned off, I don't even notice when naked pictures show body parts. *giggle* So anyway, there's a picture of Andrew's butt while he's in the shower in this update. Nothing major, but didn't want to surprise anyone. ;-)

A family portrait of the newlywed and newly parented couple. Life is moving along wonderfully for this family. Let's check in with them, shall we?

Both parents adore taking care of their daughter, Jessica. Neither one has ever spun up any sort of fear around dirty diapers or anything and they constantly want to cuddle her.

*cough* Of course, Andrew seems to think of more than simply his daughter. Well, at least it's his wife he's daydreaming about in there, yes?

Time flies by for this happy family and Jessica is ready to become a toddler!

Erm, their camera broke during her birthday party. That's why there's no transition picture. (Actually, if I remember correctly, their kitchen is so small, I couldn't get a good angle for a picture.) So anywho, meet Jessica Vacha, a Libra (5/9/6/4/9). I can definitely life with those stats.
Although Andrew, I just hope Cory doesn't get upset that you've manipulated things so that Jessie's first word is "daddy."
"Nah, Cory was at work and asked me to teach Jess some of her skills."
Mm-hmm. *grins*

I didn't take any pictures of it, but Cory was trying to make herself an omlet and caught the kitchen on fire. This nice fireman, Dorian Miguel, came to the family's rescue. Although I'm not entirely certain what that expression is all about. Oh well. He's still cute. Possible potential for the main lot line. I'll have to have Cory introduce him to someone there.

So, anyway, Cory refused to eat her burnt omlet and she was almost starving. So I had Andrew go make her breakfast. Doofus set himself on fire this time. *sigh* Maybe I should have had someone clean the stove first? Anyway, Cory rushes out of her shower and runs over to put Andrew out.

Erm, well, that was the plan, anyway... Instead, she caught on fire too. Now, remember how I was saying their kitchen was too small for me to get a good picture of Jessica when she became a toddler? Apparently it was too small for Dorian (yup, same fireman came back again) to get in there to extinguish the flames. Either that or he decided these two were simply two stupid to live, having 2 fires in one night.

"Heya Grim! Looks like these two are all yours now, so I'll just be moseying on out of here."
"Hmm, yes, they do appear to be on my list. Although when I set off for the collection, there was only one name here."

"Hello? Yes. This is Grim Reaper #7. I have a collection of two souls at this location. Right. Except there is a child here. What should I do?"

"Geeze, lady, you don't have to yell like that! I've never had this happen before, so I wanted to check in with base. Chill out, will ya?"
Poor Jessica, sitting there in the kitchen, sucking on her thumb, wondering where her parents went. *sniffles* I sat here with my game on pause for almost 10 minutes trying to decide what I was going to do. I mean, this is a satellite house. The rules don't count here, right? I can just exit my game without saving and nobody would be the wiser. But, wow, this is great drama. And I was worried about too many homes to play. But what about poor Jessica? Ooo, I know. Okay, let's let this play out and we'll figure out how to make it happen. *nods* Save, unpause, continue on.

Well, hello there Miss Social Worker. It's actually too bad you can't talk to her, because she looks like she's got some good genetics there.

And we say farewell to our Satellite #2 home. Oh well. I suppose some day a future Vacha will move in there. (Although they might not be able to afford it, since it is now fully decorated...)

Okay, well, let's move on to the next satellite home, shall we?

Satellite Home #3 - Aspen Vacha

"Hey Ari. Yeah, I'm all unpacked from college. Not that there's a lot to unpack. ... Hehe, yeah, I know. Actually, if you can get past her flatulence, Linds is actually really cool. I'm glad you two are getting along so well. ... Yeah, she does make dad very happy. ... Okay, give everyone a kiss for me and I'll see you soon, Arizona. Bye!"

Aspen heads off to Red's for a quick bite to eat and to meet some of the other people living downtown. Little did she know she was getting dinner AND a show! I gree with the guy in the blue shirt. Trista is one brave girl, fighting with the Grand Vampire like that.

Okay, what is your problem, Mrs. Crumplebottom? You certainly can't be complaining that Aspen is undressed, because she's in her everyday outfit. You can't be showing what a prude you are that she's making out in public, because SHE HAS NEVER EVEN BEEN KISSED! So what the heck is up? Huh?? You leave my girl alone, you crazy old bat!

Now, this shot just made me laugh for quite some time. Poor Count Perry looks so mortified that he lost a fight to a GIRL. *giggles*

Aspen gets a premonition that something is wrong with Coryander.

"Yes, daddy. I sent flowers to the grave site. I think I'm going to invite Arizona and the twins over so we can hold our own wake for Cory. I just can't believe she and Andrew are really gone!"

Generation 3 gathers together to mourn the loss of one of their own. Aspen makes one final phone call though. She looks so sneaky, glancing over her shoulder at her cousins and sister like that, doesn't she? *giggle*

"I'll be right back guys. There is one last guest who needs to be here for our wake."

Did you figure it out yet? :-)

"Hi Jessica. Hello baby. You're going to live with me now. No way I was going to leave you in an orphanage when you have family alive and well, sweetling."
She may have never been kissed, and certainly never WooHoo'd, but Aspen knew instantly she wanted to raise Cory's daughter for her. (Yup, right after she cried with the tombstone over her head, she wanted to adopt a baby, which fit EXACTLY with what I already had planned. I love this sim!) But MAN was it hard to get the adoption agency to find Aspen suitable. She just never had enough money for almost a sim-week before she got approved.

The twins both had big smiles on their faces, but Arizona looks a little hesitant about Aspen's decision.

So Aspen brings Jessica and Arizona into the kitchen to talk privately. Whatever she said must have been convincing, because it looks like her older sister finally gives her stamp of approval on Aspen's decision too.

Just a cute shot towards the end of the wake. They all left with full 100's with each other again, something I haven't been able to achieve since they were at the Greek House together.

"Okay, wait. Nobody told me I still had to teach Jess this part!"
*giggles* Anyway, we'll close out with that shot, because it just looks so perfect for our new mother. *chuckles*

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Generation 4, Chapter 3

Vacha Family

The family poses for yet another portrait. Now, someone please explain this to me... when Dragons was younger, Chervil held him for the portrait. Now that Chamomile has infant twins, she's gotta juggle them both? *shakes her head in wonder*

And the eldest of Generation 4 (on the main Estate), Dragons becomes a good looking teenager. He's a Family oriented sim with a strong desire to graduate 3 kids from college.

The shirt is okay, but those hideous green shorts need to go! He really is a little cutie-pie though.

"Aw, crap. I guess it wasn't the steak tartar I had for dinner last night that was making me sick..."
Sorry, nope. You can blame your current medical condition on my husband though, Chamy.
"Why? I didn't sleep with him!"
Well, no, you didn't. But he's the one who said if I was going to let you and your brother have sex, then I needed to roll the dice and click on "Try for Baby."
"That #*%^#$. Tell him he better learn to sleep with his eyes open!"

"Wow, I can't believe I'm having Chervil's baby!"
Yup, you sure are.
"Oh, crap. I'm having Chervil's baby. What am I going to tell our parents..."
Well, you could tell them it's someone else's baby.
"Except they know I haven't been seeing anyone lately, what with my career and Dragons and the twins there just isn't time."
Welp, you're on your own then, sugar. Get Chervil to figure something out.

"Uncle Chervil, why do you keep staring into the telescope every night?"
"Because everyone in Strangeville keeps insisting there are aliens out there and I've been looking for proof. I haven't seen anything yet though."
"Maybe I can help you look some times?"
"That would be great, kiddo!"

And the twins helps the twins transition into their childhood years.

Even blowing out their candles is done practically in unison! :-D

And, ditz that I am, I seem to have neglected to snap any actual transition shots. So here are the twins (post make-over) running the obstacle course. Daffodill really does have a normal mouth, she's just doing that "whoah" thing they do when they jump through that last obstacle. And for some reason, Dill has an abnormally long neck. Hopefully it won't seem quite so long as he grows up.

And the twins play Cops and Robbers. Doesn't she just look so incredibly graceful there? :-)

"Oh my goodness! I killed my brother!"

"Home Alone" anyone? *giggle* They definitely look like they're having fun.

The Vacha's sad attempt at a "Stargazing Army." Can you call 2 people an army? And STILL nobody has been abducted on any of the Vacha lots. *sighs loudly* Stupid frelling aliens. What's wrong with my sims? Huh? They not good enough for you? Hah! I bet they're TOO good for you! *shakes a fist at the rude aliens*

I love this shot. They look like two typical old Italian men who just happened to run into each other on the street. *giggle*

The grandparents make sure their grandchildren take the time to learn how to study properly.

Dragons decides it's time for him to head on off to college. Yeah, sadly, he did get sort of ignored what with the twins and the drama with the older twins. Sorry about that, Dragons.
"That's okay. You can just make it up to me at college. At least I don't have to worry about trying to get into grandpa's silly fraternity either."
Nope. You get to be your own man and do your own thing. You're almost like Generation 3.5 or something, since the rest of your generation are all still either in diapers or barely into elementary school.
"I don't mind being the tend-setter for my generation. Besides, I just want to find a nice wife and settle down to a quiet, non-drama filled life."
I think we can work that out for you after skipping you for most of your childhood. At least you head off to school with a bunch of skills and scholarships under your belt.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! What do I do? What do I do?"
Chervil! You've been through this TWICE before, doofus!
"Yeah, but this time it's MINE!"
Shhhh, you guys haven't told your parents about that yet, remember?
"Who cares about that? Where's that stupid doctor already?"
Ugh, not this again. *rolls her eyes*

"Okay, okay. Just breath. In. Out."
I thought it was the woman who was supposed to do the breathing exercises...

So Chamomile and Chervil's child is born healthy and whole. And Chervil channels his inner dorkiness and does a Funky Dance.

No, really. He really did do this funky dance when the baby was born. No clue why, I've never seen another sim do that EVER, but I was in stitches, watching him dance like that. *snicker* See? I told you these two insisted that Taboo chapter be written. (And this is NOT the doppleganger!)

Yeah, Chamy, I agree. Your brother is very strange. But since this is the only kid he's likely to have, I guess I can forgive him his enthusiasm.

So, I would like to introduce you all to Daisy Vacha. She has her parents' Black Hair and Brown Eyes, not surprisingly. And either S1 or the custom skin that Anise started with.

"Oh, my sweet little girl. My precious darling one."
Okay, Chervil, you're a pleasure sim, not family. Remember?
"And my daughter gives me much pleasure. Go away."
*stares at Chervil for a moment, then wanders off* I'll be keeping an eye on you though, bub!

Yup, these two are still so very much in love. :-D And I absolutely adore the way Daisy is craining her head back to look at Jill.

Chamy maxes her Mechanical skill. Pretty soon she'll be able to help Burdock train the kids on all of the skilling machines.

I think Daisy enjoys her baths just as much as all of the other Vacha children have. I like having nice sims. *sighs with pleasure*

"Hey Squirt! You hear we have a new baby sister? I'm going to go check her out!"
"You can't call me Squirt! I'm older than you!"
"Uncle Chervil calls you Squirt, so so can I."

"Hi mommy! Hi Daisy!"

"Hi mommy! Hi Daisy!"
"Copycat Dill."
"Hey, you're the one who has my name in her name."
"You're still a copycat."

"Peek-a-boo! *giggle*"
DD is so sweet with her little sister.

Smart boy, waiting until his sister is out of the room to copy her again.
"I'm not copying her. She just did it first. But I was gonna do it too!"
Of course you were, honey. *pats Dill on the head*

Ah, and Chamomile maxes out her Logic skill, finishing off the set. It's too bad she's a Romance sim. I can't count that point (not that I'm counting points anyway). But at least now she can teach the rest of the kids all of their skills.

"Mom, Uncle Chervil keeps saying there are aliens living on other worlds. Is that true?"

"You know, Squirt, you could become an astronaut and find out for certain for us."

"And I'd get to blast off in a big rocket ship if I did that, wouldn't I?"

"But you'd have to study hard and get good grades if you want to become an astronaut, Dill."

"I can do that, right mom? I just won't ever miss the school bus and I'll study hard every night."

"Of course you can, sweetling. Just make sure you study your geometry extra hard. Math is very important if you want to become an astronaut."
Freakily enough, that really was the order the speech bubbles came through in. And as you can see, everyone was responding to Dill's comments. I'm just glad I started snapping pictures with Dill's first planet one. I was just going to work that in to him asking to replace Dragons on the terrace. Instead, I got this fully formed conversation from everyone. *beams*

Next time, drama ensues in the satellite homes!