Thursday, February 16, 2006

Generation 3, Chapter 14

Vacha Family

My goodness, Chamomile, you sure have grown up there, haven't you? *cough*slut*cough*
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that last bit you said there, Aer?"
Oh, nothing, nothing. I, um, love your dress, Chamy.

Oh yeah, she's 100% a Romance sim. Of course, that means I get to play dress up with her for all the outfits none of my other sims will put on. *giggle* I think she changes clothes twice more before I settle on an outfit for her. :-)

And here's Chervil, all nicely grown up. Mrowr!

"So Chamy, have you heard from Cory? Your dad and I visited her downtown. She and Andrew have such a lovely little home. And I hear they're expecting a child!"
(Sorry, yeah, lame caption to this picture. Just couldn't figure out anything better... *sigh*)

Chervil maxes out his Body skill. He looks so intense there!

And Chamomile maxes out her Cleaning skill. But unlike Chervil, I don't think she's got a serious or intense bone in her body. *cough* Uh... *looks back over her comment, smirks like a little kid and wanders off, not making the comment*

And, slave-driver that I am, I have Chamy immediately invite over Count Nolan and have them renew their acquaintanship. Of course, she thinks she just gets to play...

~Okay, in this novel, I think I'll have him foil a bank robbery. And with all of my time as the head of a criminal organization, I should be able to write this wonderfully!~

"Oy, my bursitis is acting up. I need to stop this workout and go sit down!"
You sound just like your dad did when he became an elder.
"Yeah, but he got a party!"
So would have you. If, you know, I hadn't forgotten today was your birthday. And completely lost track of time. *blush*

Hmm... I don't remember which ghost got Burdock, but obviously someone wished our Knowledge sim a happy birthday!

"razza-frazza fraking stupid controller..."
Chamy? What's the matter?
"What's the matter? I'll tell you what's the matter! You picked that stupid "Try for Baby" option with the Count!"
Well, we need to get Generation 4 on the way, you know.
"Not so quickly we didn't! I thought I was going to get to have some fun and play around for a while here!"
Sorry, hon. The heiress has her duties to perform and all.
"razza-frazza frelling rotten controller..."

And Jill earns, sadly, only $50,000, not $100,000. Oh well!

And she celebrates it by becoming old as well! (Yup, this is all the same day, since she and Burdock share a birthday.)

"Aeronwy! Aeronwy!!"
*yawns* What? What's wrong? It's the middle of the night...
"I don't feel right. What's the matter with me?"
Hmm? Oh. Oh, I see. Um, give it a moment. You'll understand, Chamy.

"Oh my god, I got fat!"
No, hon, you got pregnant.
"Oh, so it'll go away?"
Yeah, in about 9 months. Let's see how you handle pregnancy, eh? Hopefully more like your sister and less like your cousin.

Burdock didn't turn out bad looking at all as an elder, unlike his big brother Basil. However, the first morning he woke up, he had a want spun up for a face lift. Since he was perma-plat, I figured why not. Good way to figure out how this thing works.

Unfortunately, I had to give him a completely new face, because any minor alterations I tried to make to any one portion of his face looked really REALLY bad. But he was quite happy with the results. And to be honest, so are Jill and I. :-)

Speaking of Jill, after a quick shopping trip, she calls work to hand in her retirement notice. I must say, she's one of the prettier elders I've seen. I suspect if I let her dye her hair dark again, you'd be hard-pressed to tell she was an elder (except for the stupid saggy boobs and GIANT hips... why do the elders get such huge hips anyway?). She's got no wrinkles, no bags under her eyes, none of the usual old age signs I've seen with other elder sims. :-)

And our heavily pregnant Chamomile maxes out her Cooking skill on the candy maker.

Chamy, I know you look very happy there, but don't you think you should lose the spiked collar when you're wearing a pink floral maternity outfit?
"But I like my collar. It reminds me that I'm a wild thing and not to be chained down by this whole family business."
Mm-hmm. We'll see.
(And once again, I didn't change her clothes, didn't mix up her pregnancy pictures. Her outfit just randomly changed, like Jill's, I think it was, had done. I think when she puts on or takes off the thinking cap.)

And baby Dragons Vacha(-Perry) was born, while her twin stood there staring at himself in a mirror. Oh and for the record, Chamomile had an extremely easy pregnancy. She ate a little more than usual and sleep a smidge more than usual, but otherwise, she chatted on the phone or worked on her few unmaxxed skills.

Our resident Grand Vampire apparently has S4 skin. And Dragons also has brown hair from his dad. And brown eyes, I suppose could be from either of 'em, since I can't see Nolan's real eye color.

That morning, Burdock retired from his job-of-the-month to be able to spend more time with his grandson. Yes, poor Burdock was my work horse, making sure we got all of the career rewards. Makes skilling up SO much easier!

She may be a Romance sim and has never once spun up a want or even a thought bubble to have kids. But Chamomile's an AWESOME mom. She never spins up a fear of changing diapers. And once her kids have each hit toddler years (nope, she's not done popping 'em out for me, but let's not tell her this yet, 'kay?), she constantly has wants spun up to teach them their skills or teach them to study when they're children or play with them. *sighs* As gorgeous as Arizona is, I think Chamomile is the best mom I've had in my game yet. :-)

"Marylena is safe to invite over. Aeronwy can't get me knocked up if I stick with women for my lovers!"

She really is a fast worker, isn't she. *g*

And while mom is working it, grandma is enjoying having an infant around to spoil, even if he does pull her hair.

Looks like your romance/adventure novel sold quite well there, Jill!
"Yes, Borage is such a well loved character. My editor told me I need to branch out and have him get involved with lots of different scenarios. I've already got some ideas for the next Borage novel."

And a lame closing shot. My first 30 untapped Elixir of Life bottles. Now I just have to remember to delete the darn things so I can start on my next 30.


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

All that elixir ... gone to waste! :O(( But anyway, Chamy is one hot mama!! Loved the dress! Loved her maternity outfit! And it's so hard to tell with the count WHAT skintone he has ... since he's all vampy-gray and whatnot. Hehe! But the baby is all ... BROWN! *ROTFL* Brown eyes, brown hair, brown skin. You shoulda named him Hershey ... or Cocoa or sumfin. :O)) Love these guys!

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, no kidding! Nice outfit Chamy! Perfect styling for a romance sim, that's for sure. :)

Fun update, thanks for sharing!

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good update. I'm looking for to more and like Angelia, I'm looking forward to that "taboo" chapter. Have a great vacation.

11:14 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

wow, that dress of Chamomile sure does show her best assets lol

Baby Dragons is a cutie~ ^_^

7:38 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I would just have to duplicate everything everyone has already said, so ditto. =) Dragons sure is a cutey though!

8:50 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Chamy IS one hot mama! Nice choice for the outfit :) Actually you can see the vampire skin color, those who have S4 skin are very dark grey and those who have S1 skin are very light grey (almost white) and the two other skintones are somewhere in between. But yes, you need to look up the color of their eyes in SimPE, there isn't any other way of knowing it. Baby Dragons is cute btw :)

3:26 PM  

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