Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Generation 3, Chapter 10

Vacha Family
Satellite Home - Basil

Boy, such a difference from the last family portrait. (I love how Arizona looks pissed too and Aspen just obliviously waves to the camera. Fits so well with how my story has been! *giggle*)

Suzie decided to take her lover bowling, to try and forget about her problems at home. It appears, though, that she's got too many flames going at once and nowhere is safe for her! (I think the redhead looking distraught's name is Carmen and the brunette she's on the date with is Amy? I think. But we'll call them that now, even if that's not their names. *g*)

Suzie looks utterly and completely shocked! I'm not sure if it's because she never expected Carmen to like bowling or if it's because she knew Carmen knew she was married, so she obviously wasn't being exclusive with anyone. Either way, Suzie is not having a good week.

Ouch. That hadda hurt. And Amy doesn't look even the tiniest bit phased by this display!

Okay, Carmen, I think you're laying it on a little thick now, don't you?
"She was my heart! My soul! I thought we shared something special!"
Yeah, you did. A very special tumble in bed and a few lunchtime quickies.
"Oh, you know what I mean!"
*rolls her eyes*
"I saw that!"

"I got a call from Jessica telling me all about that little scene down at the bowling alley!"
(For those of you who are curious, Jessica is the brunette in the pink workout suit at the bar in the previous picture. And she did coincidentally call Basil (they met when he was in college) when I got back to the lot.)
"Basil, don't do this. My life is falling apart around me!"
"Your life? YOUR LIFE?!? What about mine and the girls' lives?? Did you ever ONCE think about us while you were whoring it around town?"
"I'm not a whore!"
"Fine, slut, if you prefer!"

Sorry, Suzie. I've gotta agree with Arizona. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

~My life sucks! Basil is such a horrid man! How could I have ever thought I was in love with him?~

~My life sucks! Why didn't I listen to all those rumors back at Sim State? Why did I give in the pleasure of the moment? No, no. I have two beautiful daughters from this mistake. But WHY did she have to stray!~

"Oh, sweet Bovine. At least someone in this house loves me. How did you know that a piece of cake is exactly the kind of comfort food I could use right now?"
Um, Suzie? You haven't really been paying much attention to this plant Basil brought home, have you...

"No Bovine! Don't you torment me too! Give me that!"

*giggle* I love the little puff of smoke there.
To date, no one in Strangetown knows what became of Suzie Futa-Vacha. Most assume she simply ran away to another town so she can take lovers to her hearts content. Some remember Basil's childhood nature and wonder if the freshly dug corner of the backyard are from Suzie or some other hapless passerby. All Basil and the girls know is they suddenly feel a weight lifted off them and for the first time in years, feel like they can start moving on with their lives.
(They do have the memory of her dying. But there were no funds dispersed. And not one single tear was shed over the passing of Suzie.)

Arizona finally finds herself a boyfriend, Blair. He works after school as a cashier at one of the local shops. Basil, for the first time ever, invites people over as well.

Arizona is so cute when she's blushing. She definitely does not take after her mother. Simple flirting seems almost an effort for this teenager.

Basil quickly realizes that his friendship with Lindsay Olshfski (yup, the slob!) has the potential to be much more than simple friendship.

A whole lot more! Lindsay is just about Suzie's polar opposite, wouldn't you say? That may be why Basil feels safe giving his heart away again.

Lindsay seems to have a knack for drawing Basil out of his funks, doesn't she?

Wow, love is just blossoming everwhere!

Way to go, Ari! Finally got bold enough with Blair to sneak that first kiss!
(Poor girl was just about ready for a visit from the shrink. I hadn't been able to get any of her wants done for some reason. Blair saved the day! *cheers*)

*grumbles under her breath* Showoff.
"Not my fault you can't grab air on your dives like this, Aeronwy."
*mutters a few choice words*
"Now, now, there are children present."

Bloody showoff pulled off a perfect dive there. Hardly a splash, perfect form, nice tuck. Man, if I could have dived like that back in the day, I... well, no, I'm not disciplined enough to think I would have gone pro, but oh well!

Well, there's a splash!

Um, Basil? You're only newly single you know...
"Go away. The girls are gone for the evening and I'm enjoying a simple cuddle here."

That's not cuddling.
"It's just a tender kiss. Nothing to get all worked up about. Now vamoose!"

"We're just playing. It's, um, a couple of bad cannonballs. Yeah, that's it."

Just a cannonball, eh?
"FINE! So we did it. You're so bloody nosy, you know that?"
It's my JOB to document everything you guys do. You should be used to it by now. I mean, heck, there was that picture of you taking a shower back at college even.
"Oh, hey, speaking of that... think I could borrow it? Linds wants a copy to put on her mirror."

I've got to admit, I absolutely ADORE the expression on Lindsay's face here as she's looking at Basil.
"So do I, Aer. Makes my stomach do flip-flops!"

And a very sweet post-coital cuddle. They really are quite cute together. Although Lindsay's friend, the one Basil used to be confused with all the time, does NOT look at all happy with this situation. Think there'll be trouble down the line? We'll have to wait and see.

Lindsay seemed to realize her friend wasn't happy, because she quickly made her excuses and took off. Just as Basil was about to ask her to move in, too!
"How could you let me almost do that? I mean, look at what happened with the last woman I loved!"

And although she doesn't have very many scholarships yet, Arizona decided it was time for her to head on off to college. Her mom wasn't around to cause problems for her father and sister anymore and she felt she could now try for a life of her own.
I love that even as she's waiting for the taxi to take her off to Sim State, she's still thinking about her little sister. :-)

I doubt if she'll ever stop being a surrogate mom to Aspen.

Such a pretty teenager. It'll be interesting to see how she does off at school without her family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great update! So sad that Suzie departed without a single shed tear. :( Even after what she did, I still feel sorry for her.

6:32 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

No dispersal of funds after the cowplant had dessert?? How RUDE!! Man, I knew she was a good-for-nothing, but now I know it for SURE! No money ... hmph! But I'm glad that no one seems the worse for wear. I think she got what she deserved. Never trust a plant that's been fused to a cow! Cows are vegetarians. The venus fly trap is NOT! Heh.

11:33 PM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Suzie definately got a bit of torture before her death. :X

With mum out of the picture, it feels Ari can now relax and enjoy her life :) So happy for her! Can't wait to hear about her days at College ^_^

3:28 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Ok, who is this Suzie you all speak of? haha, good for her to be eaten by the cowplant. Besides the girls, she hasn't done a smart and useful thing her whole life. They'll be better off without her...but the slob? Why the slob? Great update!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Oh, and that "Carmen" chick at the bowling alley looks extremely similar to the woman my Dawson founder married. I think her name was Edith...

7:31 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Wow, lots of things happening. Suzie really got what she deserved. I'm so happy Arizona can now be something else than a surrogate mom to her sister. Watch out that Blair btw, he doesn't look good as an adult.

12:15 PM  

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