Friday, November 04, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 8

Vacha Family

Here's a nice closeup of Burdock all grown up. Although that huge lower lip still bugs me, he's definitely grown into his mouth, more or less. And I still swoon over those eyes! :-)

The one bad part about having moved back in with his parents is, he and Jill have trouble finding a little privacy. So he snagged his mom's pick-up truck, picked up his fiance (somewhere along the line, he asked her to marry him -- I just managed to neglect to take a picture of it), and they had a wonderful date, capped off by testing out the shock absorbers on the pick-up.

And here they are at a small backyard ceremony. Yes, sadly, Talin showed up in a PINK tuxedo. *sigh*

Just his parents and the happy couple. Although both of them have a lot of friends, they're unlucky enough to be played by a controller who has an irrational fear of parties of any sort. Which means my Sims never get to go on honeymoons either. ;-) And yes, Anise's dress DOES have a skirt on it.

Poor Burdock. He looks like he's trying to figure out what he got himself in for. He barely managed to get a kiss in before Jill went stalking off. Probably wanted to see what she looked like in a wedding dress or something. And see? Anise's dress does, um, barely cover her up. Hey, if you're getting that close to your elder years and can still pull off a dress like that, I say go for it!

Aah, I see. She was anxious to get her post-marriage make-over. Definitely much better!

Is it just me or does the Diva look an awful lot like a young Barbara Streisand there? ;-)

And a shot of the Vacha Estate after the influx of funds Jill brought with her. :-D She was definitely worth the negative NPC points.

The picture is a little small, since that was the only way everything would fit, but let me give you a walk-through anyway. Starting from the left front side: The driveway and attached garage.
Next row of inside rooms, from the front of the house to the back: Teenager's bedroom & private bathroom. Hallway to the garage. Next is the elder's bedroom and their bathroom.
Next row: Front porch. Then the great room with 2 desks and stereo and towards the back is a long sectional facing a large TV. The back room is the child's bedroom.
Next row of rooms: Dining room with a bay window. Then their all white & glass kitchen. Right behind the kitchen is the guest bathroom and behind that is the child's bathroom (which is usually used as a 2nd "I've just come home from work and I really have to go!" bathroom).
Last row of rooms: The nursery, with its own fridge and counter for the smart milk (actually, I think the picture was taken before the fridge went in). Then the master bedroom, also with a bay window, and the master bathroom. The master bath has 2 toilet bowls, a shower stall and a wonderful big tub.
There's also a back deck, where all the career rewards are being placed. And since this picture was taken, I've added a driveway on the other side of the house for a 3rd car.

Here's a close-up of the white & glass kitchen. Very cool looking stuff! (I think I got it from SimChic... I think?)

You'd think Burdock was a Romance sim, not a Knowledge sim, with a strut like that. :-D

And it's time for Generation 3 to get brewing! (I love the replacement maternity clothes! Thank you!!)

Here's Burdock heading off to work. Unfortunately, for like the entire first week after he graduated, there were no openings in the Medical field, so he went to work as a Witch Doctor. I guess any sort of doctor is better than no doctor, eh? He actually looks pretty good with no hair and all those tattoos.

Later that night, Jill went into labor. Would Burdock make it home in time to see his first child being born?

Yup! He even took the time to change his clothes. Men.

And Jill gives a command performance to a full house! Personally, I'd be shouting at people to stop standing around like idiots and do something useful. Of course, Anise does look like she's a bit fed up with the gasping the men are both doing, doesn't she?

Yay! The first child of Generation 3 is born!

We'll close with a shot of everyone gathering around congratulating Jill on giving birth to such a beautiful child. Oh, you want to see too? Sorry, don't have that picture loaded up here yet. I'll let you see the baby and tell you his or her name when I update again. (And I promise, it won't be so long between updates!)


Blogger Just Moi said...

The house looks awesome love the garage and over hang.Congrats on generation 3.

10:59 PM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Woowee! The diva definately looks a lot prettier after the makeover, she looks terrific! You have a great looking lot there too! The house looks awesome and those furnishing are very nice! Are you trying to tempt us to download them too? lol

8:56 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I love that house! Very nice, looks like you made very good use of the Diva Money. =) And now I know what the floating car is about. hehe. Congrats on generation 3, can't wait to find out the gender and name!

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That house is absolutely gorgeous!! How in the world do you make those carports??!! It's beautiful!

I almost fell outta my chair seeing Burdock in his Witch Doctor 'outfit'--Yowwwwsaah!!


2:17 PM  
Blogger S Ramis said...

I DO love the house!! I like how the "living/gathering" area's are central and then the bedrooms and auxillary rooms are around it!
*thumbs up*!!

11:42 AM  
Blogger taratownie said...

It was cool to see how their house looks. Congrats on gen 3 :)

5:26 PM  

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