Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 7

Vacha Family

(Author's Note: Sorry for being a complete airhead and posting up a chapter with no text! :-o Guess I'll go take care of that right now.)

A few pictures from the main household. These probably should have been in Chapter 6, but oh well. :-) The family portraits of our founder, Anise, and she and her townie husband, Talin. Now to remember to get pictures of Burdock and Jill done...

And a one! And a two! That's right! Keep your motions in sync!

"Hey, this chick is actually helping put out a fire, instead of standing around panicking like every other Sim family I meet? What's up with that?"
Well, Mr. Fireman (who's name I no longer remember... Whelon or something?), our Anise is a very level-headed and talented young woman. She's just not the panicking sort.

"Anise, our youngest is heading off to college already! What are we going to do with this empty house?"
"Oh, I'm sure we can think of a few things to fill our time with, Talin..."

"Huh? Oh. Oh! Right! Bye son! Have a good time at college! Don't let the door hit you on the way out, son. Make sure you write. Bye!"

And, despite this looking like it would be a shot of Burdock transitioning into a Young Adult, it's actually a shot off at Sim State of Basil graduating and transitioning into an Adult. Bad editing job!

A close up of our psycho child, also with mom's bright green eyes.

And here is Basil's modest home. It's not much, but it more than suits his needs.

Well, lookie here. Who should be one of Basil's first visitors but his mom's former stalker! I think Basil is calling Vidcund a dunce for even trying to contact him.

And a shot of our boy in his new threads. Little did I know there was another dark haired townie wearing this exact same outfit that I will now frequently confuse with Basil whenever any sim I have goes downtown, since that guy seems to show up -everywhere-.

And a shot of Basil's bedroom. Nice decorations, don't you think? :-D

Ah, Basil's brand new car-port (which I was -almost- able to afford... had to use a single Kaching to get the rest of the plants).

So. Anyone surprised by the car Basil picked out for himself?

Suzie is still finishing up her senior year of college, so they have to settle for a few dates worked in between Basil's job and Suzie's classes and tests. Looks like they had a very nice date. So what'd she leave him?

Ah, my favorite vase. (No, I'm not being sarcastic. This is one of the first things I buy when my sims get a bit of money. Dunno why, I just really like it.) Looks like she's going to make a clean get-away from her stealth-gifting too.

Basil, what are you up to?
"Who, me? Nothing."

"So... how's your eyesight?"
"My eyesights? Why do you want to know about that?"
"Oh, just one of my hobbies. I like to know who's got good vision or not."
"Well, I have perfect vision. Great hearing and good teeth too, if you were wondering."

~Darn, that means this one's off my list if she'll see me coming...~
Gah! Why do I insist on listening to his thoughts!!

Ooooo, looks like our boy REALLY wow'd Suzie on this date! :-D

This came out a bit smaller than I thought it would, but I darn near fell out of my chair when I saw one of Basil's fears. He has a fear of going to the bathroom in a public restroom!! *snickers loudly*

Hmm, looks like Basil and Suzie are enjoying themselves...

I can't tell if she looks horrified, shocked, or thrilled there...

Okay. Someone please explain to me HOW Suzie fit THIS into that little sack that she carried over her shoulder!! But I guess she must have really enjoyed their time in Basil's car.

Graduation time for Suzie!! Here she is as she transitions into an adult.

Hmm, she may be an adult, but looks like she can still behave childishly. ;-)

And here's Suzie after a trip downtown to a salon and clothing store. She cleans up quite nicely.

Basil and Suzie were earning enough money that they were able to hire contractors to raze their house and build a new one. Here's the downstairs. Essentially just one big room (and a bathroom), different areas decorated for different rooms.

And a shot of Basil coming home from work. If an outfit like that doesn't make someone suicidal or murderous, I don't know what will!

Yeah, Basil looks thrilled with that rediculous outfit, doesn't he.

And the rest of the Vachas have come over to visit Basil and his new bride. Except I think Suzie must have been at work, because none of them have her on their contact lists.


Blogger Kristen said...

You know, even without words, that was a great chapter! What was up with the floating car though? Interesting concept for this chapter. =)

11:34 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

*cough* How the heck did I put up a chapter without any text? *blush* Actually.... I think maybe this got posted before it was supposed to. *coughs again* Heh, guess I'll go add text and let folks know about it! (I was wondering how someone already knew Basil was a Fry Guy, when I didn't think I'd done that chapter. *g*)

2:21 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Well, is that the first time you've had any of your sims with a fear of using the public restroom? It's actually a very serious thing in real life, as people who are afraid to use the public facilities have an unhealthy obsession with keeping clean, and making sure things are clean. So image if you're one of these people, and you'r in a public restroom. Not fun.

Really neat sims have this fear.

Thanks for the update. I didn't even realize you'd posted an update with no text. :O)

3:05 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Now that you've added text, it makes more sense! But I was able to follow it though and I liked all the gifts that Suzie was leaving and I recognized the stalker. I had fun making my own story. =) You should try that again to see if anyone can follow it...hehe. I liked it though!

3:11 PM  
Blogger Just Moi said...

Well I'm one who does not like using public bathrooms solely because they all seem to stink, oh and I also have some purell in my handy dandy purse LOL
Funny update too bad the car windows fog up cause I would swear that car levitates on its own :p

1:29 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Bye Burdock, have fun at college. Aww, Basil looks so sad as an adult. Ack, what a car! Funny, I like that blue vase, too. I call it headmaster vase because it gets moved around when they show the house to him. Wow, Suzie is a good looking chick.

6:49 PM  

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