Saturday, October 08, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 5

Vacha Family

Here's a shot of my rather lame attempt at a car port. ;-) (Yes, the picture was taken at night and I had to lightening in Photoshop. I'll try to remember not to do that again.) As you can see, I ran out of funds before I finished putting up plants. *snicker* And for some reason, I couldn't put foundation down like the guide suggested to use as planter boxes or column bases. When I redo the house, I'll try again. But at least there's a roof over the car now so it won't have to be washed every other day.

You know, looking at Talin, I can see why Anise didn't notice his huge lips or overhanging brows. That's a quite yummy body he's got there!

Heh, had to get a better shot of Talin's bare chest. *stares for a couple of minutes*
"That's my HUSBAND you're staring at, Aeronwy. Stop it."
Your right. Sorry, Anise. *takes one last look before moving on*

And a shot of the outside of the house. Yes, I had to lighten it -again-. Oh well. As you can see from the rather ... interesting roof line, they were only able to expand one room at a time. *snicker* It'll look much better when the family gets money.

And a shot of the completed car port, with the family's new pick-up truck. (Had a bug that prevented Talin from going to work even though Anise was home with the baby. So I had to cave and buy them a car before they could really afford one, so he'd go earn money for the clan.)

Yes, Burdock LOVES to clean. The only time he doesn't pump his fists about it is when his mood is REALLY low. I've never had a sim neat enough to give me the little bubbles, so I'm still loving making him clean everything in sight, even though they've got a maid. *giggle* The sad thing is, even after the maid comes around and cleans, I'll STILL have the option for Burdock to clean an item, no matter if it's been used or not. Obsessive little kid.

Talin maxes out his mechanical skill. So this means the family shouldn't have to hire a repairman unless the garbage disposal breaks. I won't let ANY playable sim touch that death trap!

"I call shotgun!"
"You had it last time, Basil. It's my turn now!"
"Sorry, you were too slow."
"Let your brother sit in the cab this time, Basil."
"*sigh* Fine. You can have the seat, pipsqueak. But you'll have to do my chores when we get home, since I called it."
It was the weekend and the boys were home from school. And, wonder of wonders, both Anise and Talin had the day off of work. So they decided to take advantage of this rare occurrence and have a family outing to the local park.

Fortunately, no Mrs. Crumplebottom (until later in the day), because they got there and Talin pulled Anise in for a very sweet kiss.

And then they spent some time slow dancing. You know, I really don't understand why these two don't have 3 lightning bolts. But they are a joy to watch. :-)

*winces* The Vacha's need to afford a pool at their place so that future generations don't wind up tattoo'ing their stomachs bright red by duplicating this move.

Of course, he seemed to recover quite quickly. Sad that child Burdock is doing better with the ladies than teen Basil is. (Yes, that's Basil standing all by his lonesome back there.) *g* I guess that's what comes of having a skill of 8 in Charisma and 9 points in Outgoing (even if he's got 1 point in Grumpy/Nice - yes, my points were wrong in the previous chapter).

Smile pretty for the camera, Mrs. Crumplebottom!
What I want to know is, who the HECK married this sourpuss for her to have a "Mrs." title?!?

They'd had hot dogs for lunch and met lots of fun people and played games and swam and danced. Finally, as the sun went down, the Vacha's decided it was time to head on home, since it was Sunday night and everyone had school or work the next morning. I like that all four of them have 100/100 relationship points with each other. They're such a tight-knit clan!


Blogger Kristen said...

Aww, that's so nice that they had a family outing...what are those like? hehe. And I love the shot of Mrs. Crumplebottom, so funny. I'm so glad you came across my link to my family and decided to copy the heck out of me. =) I'm really enjoying this family!

5:20 PM  
Blogger simstar28 said...

So far I love this family, can't wait for more.

9:27 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Talin's chest is worth looking at, hehe. Hmm.. VERY interesting roofline. The carport looks nice. Yay, happines is to have a kid who loves to clean. Nice outing they had. :)

6:06 PM  

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