Saturday, October 08, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 3

Vacha Family

Anise tucks Burdock in quite frequently. Something she never did with Basil. Favorites, anyone?

At least Basil -finally- got a teddybear to cuddle with. Poor kid was approaching his teen years before anyone spun up a want for another toy.

Cute tyke, looks like he's making up for lost time. Of course, I neglected to snap a picture of the next scene, where the little psycho was slamming Teddy's head against the floor... I think it was at this point his parents began to wonder if Basil was really going to become the heir or not.

Heh, got wind of your parent's doubts, didja?
"What? I always like to read the newspaper before I go to school. I'm very mature like that."
*snort* Yeah, right, that's why you still sleep in ducky pajamas and carry your teddybear around.

Talin enjoys taking care of Burdock just as much as he did Basil. Fortunately. Since he was near the top of the medicine career track and had lots of time off, while his wife rarely got a day off because I had her jumping from career to career grabbing rewards. *g*

Family sims really are very sweet, even if I've never given a single one their Impossible Lifetime Wants.

"Daddy! Daddy! You're home! And you got a promotion! I'm so proud of you!"
"Aeronwy, get this little psycho away from me, will you?"
Sorry, Talin, he's your son, you deal with him.

I'm sorry this was so far away and only in stills. Because OMG can this kid NOT dance! *snicker*

He's either got a scratch he can't reach, he's hiding a big knife behind his back, or he's still trying to dance. I'm not sure which and I don't think I want to know.

One guess which is Anise's painting and which one is Basil's painting. The kid is an artistic genius, I'll give him credit for that.

And it's time for little Burdock to grow up into a toddler! Just a little while longer and we'll at least have an idea of how he'll look.

Nice hang time, kiddo!

That's some mouth you've got there, Burdock! We'll have to wait and see which son has better genetics, I guess.

The obligatory shots of the toddler learning to talk...

... and walk. If I thought Basil was a genius, this kid is a rocket scientist or something. He learns skills even faster than his brother does.

Burdock really does seem to be Anise's favorite. But shh, we won't tell Basil that. He might try to get us in our sleep if we do.

"Mom, don't you think it's time I learned about the birds and the bugs?"

"Oh, well, that's easy enough. When parents want a baby, they just call up the stork and he comes and drops the child off. That's all."
"Where do the bugs fit into it?"

"Well, Basil, the bugs go around polinating the flowers. If the flowers don't get polinated, you don't get more flowers. It's like that with people. The man has to polinate the woman before - "

Heh, I think he just got a glimpse of Anise's expression and realized his explanation was heading into dangerous territory.

"So where does the WooHoo fit in? One of the boys at school was telling me that you get babies if you WooHoo. Did you and mommy WooHoo to get me and Burdock? When can I try this WooHoo? Is that the polinating stuff you were talking about? Do men have to polinate lots of women to keep babies coming or..."
Damn, kid, you're not a teen yet. Stop thinking about this stuff, will ya?

"Well, you should always be in love with someone before you WooHoo with them. That's the most important ingredient. Your mom and I fell in long and got married before we ever, er, we'll talk when you're older son."
I think Anise just grumbled under her breath while she ate her hamburger, but I suspect Talin got an earful that night when they went to bed. :-)

Of course, all can be forgiven when a guy goes to and from work in a bloody limo! Nice going, Talin. :-D That's all for now, but more should be coming out soon.


Blogger taratownie said...

Psst Basil you should borrow your teddy to your younger bro so that they can discover he's banging it to floor too! Great discussion about flowers and bugs, ha. :D

5:16 PM  

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