Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Generation 1

Vacha Family

Meet Anise Vacha. She decided she was tired of the hectic and often crowded life in Pleasantville and decided to take her meager wealth and buy a large tract of land in Strangetown. Although buying so much land left her with barely enough money for the necessities, she wanted to ensure that she and her future generations would always have room to breath and never feel closed in like she did in her old life.

Anise is a Family Sim, with a star sign of Cancer, and a lifetime want to marry off 6 children.

You thought I was kidding about her barely having enough money to purchase the bare necessities? Thankfully, she moved to a desert town and didn't have to worry about rain, since she has neither walls nor ceiling.

Sadly, bad Sim-Master that I am, I completely forgot to take pictures of her early dates! :-o She had a decent date with Vidcund Curious, but found him a little creepy.
"And I really didn't want to pass on that nose or chin to my children. Did you SEE his profile?"
Yeah, not so great.

Her next date, which I also have no pictures of, was another Good Time, this time with Gerard Landry, the Mayor of Strangetown. Nice catch there, hon!
"Yeah, except when I asked him to move in, he didn't have all that much cash. So I'm wondering, if they're paying him so much money, where's he spending it all?"
I suppose only coming in with $3,000 when you're the Mayor of a town, even one as small as Strangetown, isn't necessarily a good sign, is it... So, she booted his butt, but, smart girl that she is, not before she spent his money to renovate her property a bit.

She was finally able to get some walls up around her belongings and even had a burglar alarm installed. Not that they seem to have much issue with thievery here.
"Another nice change from Pleasantville!"

And she had roofers come over while Gerard was at work. Then she changed the locks.
"I did not! I had a quiet and very adult conversation with him about frugality and incompatability and, well, that nose of his."
Of course, my mistake.

"Why, oh why can't my Controller set me up on a date that does THIS? And oh my god, is he really... oh, he is! I want romance and passion in my life! No more of these mediocre dates, understand?"
Yes, dear. *sigh*

And, yes, I once again forgot to take pictures at her dates. She had a Dream Date with Talin Trimble, who then sent her a lovely bouquet of flowers, which are still on display at her home. The next day, she found out he'd pulled some strings and gotten her a promotion at work. A couple of days later, they had a second date, but Anise had to cut it short because she was exhausted from work. He still sent her a lovely letter letting her know he'd like to go out again. So they did. Since both of them were hungry, they went to Red's diner, hearing several friends rave about the food there.

Anise had an extra special surprise planned for the night and couldn't help but grin widely as she pushed a small velvet box across the table towards Talin.

The poor thing. She looks so nervous while he stares at the ring, waiting to hear his response.
"Hey, you'd be nervous too, you know, if you asked your man to marry you!"
(Oh, and I promise, the pictures get better soon. I forgot to change the settings my first play-session.)

"He said yes! Can you believe it? He said yes! Now I get my romance and love and affection and all those fun naughty things that book was talking about!"

Anise decided she'd waited long enough for those "naughty things" and invited Talin over as soon as she got home from work the next day. They exchanged heartfelt vows in the privacy of their home.
"We did do that mail-in wedding license thing though, so we're all legal. Don't you worry about that!"

The happy couple, holding hands after joining their lives together.

And lookee here! Talin even came with a career reward already ready for use. :-D

Very shortly after their wedding, Anise earned her own Medical reward, so I didn't have to feel guilty for using his. ;-)

The lovely couple the morning after their wedding night. Such blissful domesticity.

Talin didn't bring much cash with him, but it was enough to finally get flooring in and wallpaper up, as well as purchase a couple of small items. The place is starting to look like a home.

"I promise, honey, someday, our family will be one of the richest in town, with a huge estate on our property and lots of kids everywhere."
"We definitely should keep working on that kids aspect, Anise."
(Yes, they BOTH are Family sims and BOTH want to marry off 6 children. And, coincidently, they're both Cancer signs too.)

"If I'm *pant* going to be *pant* popping out *pant* kids left and *pant* right, I need *pant* to be in shape!"

This girl has a one-track mind! Actually, it's kind of strange. They constantly have wants to appreciate and tickle and tell jokes and talk and even kiss and make out. But they've never once had the want to WooHoo with each other. Very odd. At least they're the easiest pair of sims I've -ever- had to keep platinum, which is good, 'cause they're not getting their LTW's. Just don't tell them that.

Ah, Anise is finally pregnant! I was worried one of them was infertile or something. 4 nights in a row, and no lullaby. The next 3 days, morning AND night. Then finally, the morning of their 1 "year" (read: week) anniversary, she finally conceived. Hopefully it'll be a boy, since I plan to alternate genders for the heir.

Talin loves talking to his unborn child and rubbing Anise's belly. He says she looks more beautiful now than when he first met her.

"Love, turn around. Let me give you a massage. I've heard how stressful being pregnant can be."
"*sigh* I finally got my romance novel man..."

Anise went into labor shortly after Talin left for work. The maid was there to give her support. So was Vidcund Curious, which really freaked Anise out, since she hadn't talked to him since he went nuts after he saw her on a date with Talin. He hit her and everything! She tried apologizing and explained that they had only gone on one date and there simply was no common ground between them, but he still thinks she's betrayed him in some fashion.

"Oh, I think I'm going to faint!"
"Xavier, I'm the one in pain here, now shut up!"

And meet the heir to the Vacha estate, Basil Vacha. He has his father's black hair, and his mom's green eyes and light skin tone (hopefully he has her custom skin).

We'll end things here. Next installment will start with Generation 2. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great start to your legacy! I can't wait to see what little Basil looks like. Looking forward ro reading more.

8:33 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Lazy me is finally reading your Vachas and decided to start from the beginning. :) Bad Gerard moving in with just ยง3,000! Lol at the quiet and adult conversation about his nose. I made a makeover to Gerard and completely fell in love with the guy in red hair and facial hair. I even like his nose! Yeah, I know I'm weird. Pink hearts to Gerard. Looks like Talin was a good choice for Anise though. Aww, he's a romance novel man, too cute. Congrats getting pregnant and for the second gen. :)

4:25 PM  
Blogger Bubbs said...

Not getting their LTW's? What a shame! At least they got the boy on the frist time...even though it took awhile to take.

1:17 PM  

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