Saturday, October 08, 2005

Generation 2, Chapter 4

Vacha Family

I was going to give Burdock a break and not include the obligatory "going potty" snapshot. But when I realized he frequently patted the potty while he was going, like the object itself was doing a good job, well, I couldn't resist including that. :-D He is such an oddball child. Guess that's what comes of having NINE neat points! (His parents each have 5 and his brother has 6. How he got 9, I've no clue.) He is definitely not a clone of his brother. Of course, my sheet with his stats is at home... I belive he's Scorpio, with 9 neat, 9 or 10 playful and active, and 4 or 5 of the rest, although only 3 nice points.

And little Burdock getting his first big-boy bath. Until I removed the blurs, I didn't realise how much cuter these bathroom pictures would be with little baby bottoms!

Yay! Time for Basil to turn into a teenager! Hopefully he'll grow out of his psycho-killer phase and grow up into a cute teen.

~I wish for a big big knife for my birthday...~
*shudders* Honestly, he scares me as a child.

Sparklers are fun!

*cough* Um, er... *looks around to make sure there are no knives nearby* You're a, um, decent looking young man there, Basil.

Well, at least he doesn't seem to mind his Cro-Magnon eyebrows. Those overhanging brow bones are easily visible from this angle. I'm still glad Anise found Talin, because they make each other VERY happy. But I do regret not seeing those lips or eyebrows until the boys were born. *sigh* Maybe a make-over will hide things a bit.

Okay, Nervous, you don't even KNOW the Vachas! Why are you stealing their newspaper? At least their mailman was there to scold you for doing it. What is with the townies since NL and stealing papers?

"Brrbrbrbrrrrrr, aipane! Aipane!"
*g* Just a cute picture of Anise playing with Burdock that I had no choice but to include.

The day he hit his teenager years, Basil maxed out his creativity.

A shot of our Pleasure Sim, Basil, juggling some water bottles. His fascination with WooHoo obviously never went away. Let's get a close-up and see if his bad genes are less noticeable.

Okay, so the water bottle is hiding it, but you can still see those horrid eyebrow bones from the side. His hair does mask things a lot, but they're definitely not great.

And time for the little angel of the family to grow into his childhood! Are y'all out there getting an inkling that the heirdom has probably already been decided? Even if Burdock gets dad's eyebrows, he's such a SWEET kid that I'd have a hard time not keeping him around. :-)

Does anyone else think Basil's expression is a little suspicious looking while he's tooting on that horn? It's like, he's looking off to the side, wondering what mischief he can get into.

Mother and son blow out the candles together. This one didn't try to reach for the fire, unlike his big brother.

I'm not sure I want to post what it looks like is going on here. I'll just let you all use your imagination. *whistle*

Yay! No perpetually surprised expression! Maybe that means he doesn't have his father's eyebrows. *crosses her fingers and waits for Burdock to turn into a teen*

But I have got to say, when I saw his childhood outfit, I burst out laughing. And yes, he kept that outfit his entire childhood. I absolutely loved it. :-)

We'll close this chapter with a shot of Talin autonomously kissing Anise. I like to think he's thanking her for giving him two great sons, even if they're worried their oldest is going to turn out to be a murderer or something. :-)


Blogger taratownie said...

Cro-Magnon eyebrows! Lol, you have such a way with words, Aer. Basil looks ok to me after the makeover, hope his younger brother did no inherit those eyebrows you don't like. *keeps fingers crossed*

5:52 PM  
Blogger Bubbs said...

Why would you think Basil will be a murderer? He is just...umm, special. *snicker*

1:23 PM  

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