Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Generation 2, University Chapter 3

Vacha Family

Burdock has recently discovered the pleasure that is the band Llama Mama. He hasn't managed to acquire any of their concer shirts, but he did snag one of their posters.

And just because I think he's such a cutie, here's a nice closeup of Burdock. I still don't understand why it's so hard to see his bright green eyes in all these pictures though. :-(

Uh-oh... Oscar has shown up again and obviously Burdock still remembers him from the break-in when he was a child!

Heh, fooled ya! Burdock has actually been working hard at making Oscar a friend. Although I didn't realize Sim State University was located in France. *watches the men kiss cheeks*

I do really want the NPC point for bringing the burglar into my family, but OMG that nose is just SCARY!! *shudders*

"Excuse me, boy, but my eyes are up HERE!"
"Yeah, but, wowza, that dress..."
That's it, way to wow the ladies, Burdock. You know, you did better when you were a child.

Ah, yes, I see. The ever popular way to win a lady's heart. Smacking her as hard as you can in the head with a feather pillow. How silly of me not to have thought of it sooner!

Such lovely genetics I'm giving my sims here though... Burdock has Talin's lips. I suspect he's still got Talin's Cro-Magnum brows lurking in his genetic cesspool somewhere. And now I'll be bringing in Jill's nose. *sigh* I'm doomed to ugly sims. I just know it...

Whatdyaknow! Smacking the Diva in the head with a pillow seems to have worked! Well, okay, so did the 2 Dream Dates in a row, but we'll pretend we didn't know that.

*rubs her hands together in a mercenary fashion* Ah yes... what did you bring our poor college boy, Miss Fancy Britches?

Score! A DJ booth! Exactly what every college fraternity needs! *dance*

No, I didn't slip a picture of Basil in here by mistake. I think Burdock was either really upset about what happened on his favorite soap or he's been taking repair lessons from Basil. Either way, I'm worried. We need to get him graduated and on to the real world. College stress is obviously getting to him...

"So, um, how 'bout those Knicks?"
If that's not the epitomy of awkwardness, I don't know what is. Poor boy...

Somehow, I completely forgot to take pictures of Burdock losing his cherry, but, well, here they are after the deed, so I guess they got over that awkward stage. :-)

Shy much, Jill?
"Hey, when you have it, there's no reason not to flaunt it, right?"

Okay, I see Burdock doesn't mind Jill's floozy, um, I mean, outgoing ways.
Yeah, Burdock?
"Buzz off, will you?"

So, er, oh, here we go.
Yay! Got a car port added to the fraternity! Burdock was never able to afford to buy a car, but at least Gen 3 will have somewhere to park one when they get to school. (Although I've decided each generation will have to spend a minimum of 1 year in the dorms, before being allowed to start pledging Var-Annya. That way they can make friends with other students and stuff.)

Um, Burdock? Wha- uh, what are you doing in there?
"Aeronwy?!? Why are you barging in to my bathroom? Go away!"
*giggles wickedly* Seems I've let it go too long between dates with Jill for our poor boy here, doesn't it...

Geeze, Burdock. If you were that desperate, I would have had her come to your home where you'd have a little privacy!
"She said she wanted to get pictures of us, you know, 'in action.' So, we figured we'd sneak into one of the photo booths."
Didn't think to keep it down while you were in there though, did you.
"Heh, no, we didn't. Fortunately, Crumplebottom isn't around, so it's all good."

"At last, my love has come along,
My lonely days are over,
And life is like a song.

Ohh at last
The stars above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover,
The night I looked at you.

I found a dream that I could speak to,
A dream that I can call my own,
I found a thrill to press my cheek to,
A thrill that I have never known.

Ohh you smile, you smile
And then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven,
For you are mine at last!"
At Last, by Etta James

"Alright, I did the gushy stuff. Do not make me do that again, Aeronwy. It was embarassing."

Based on the gift Jill just left you, Burdock, I'd say she rather enjoyed you serenading her. So you might have to do it again. *whistles innocently*

*sigh* This poor boy. He always seems to have the most bizarre expressions on his face when he transforms. Yes, Burdock is already graduating college. I mean, there's not all that much exciting to show here, so no need to bore you all to tears any more than I have. ;-) That and I don't want him murdering any more innocent televisions.

And we'll close with a better shot of Burdock as an adult. Tell me he's not an absolute hottie. :-D He even grew into his lips (mostly). You can almost see the gorgeous bright green eyes I hope he passes on to his heir (and if I'm really lucky, she'll have the slanted eyes too) -- if you click on the picture, it'll show up a little bit bigger (not much, but a little) and you can see his eyes better.


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

If you look REALLY closely, you can see his eyes being that lovely shade of green. Have you thought about using the "TAB" button so you can zoom in REALLY far so we can all see how lovely his eyes are? *Swoon*

WOW! That Diva sure knows how to leave nice GIFTS! I might have to generically play a sim family ... just for fun, and have them "get it on" with her. Hehe. :O)) Just for fun. :O))

Loved the update. :O) Hehe. Very humorous. Loved the "shower shot". *ROTFL*

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that Burdock is a total hottie! I wish we could see his green eyes though...they look black in the photos. Maybe a close up so we can drool all over our keyboards?

6:27 PM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

I hadn't found out about the tab trick until long after these pictures were taken. If there isn't an extreme closeup of Burdock already done for the next chapter, I'll make sure to snap one tonight and toss it in before I update tomorrow. :-)

As for the Diva, we'll see. *g*

12:19 PM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Great job with the carport! Ohh the Diva, the next updates should be interesting!

12:46 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Sooo, Burdock may be growing on me, he's a little cute *giggle* Lucky guy got some great gifts, so far all I've seen are roses. I'm having so much fun reading about your family, I hope you don't lose them like you did your other one. I'm off to read your next chapter!

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He looks like he can kiss! LOL!
I should be ashamed! *hides face in hands*


2:06 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Wow Aer, you're getting much too skilled in building carports. Glass roof and all! OMG, getting pictures 'in action'. And he's still knowledge?! Luckily he grew up well and did not murder any more innocent televisions. I need to go to sleep now but I will continue catching up later. :)

7:56 PM  

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