Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Generation 2, University Chapter 1

Vacha Family

Hey there, Pipsqueak. I know you've been debating pushing for early graduation at high school or not. Well, let me tell you, college is AMAZING! The freedom is heady. Not just for me, but for all of us. Hopefully you'll be able to blow through high school in 3 years and make it to Sim State before I graduate. Yeah, I know. Mom wanted us both to stay in Strangetown for school, but I've gotta tell you, it's exhilirating, being around so many people.

My first day in the doorm, I found out all of the buildings here are co-ed and I've got this -sweet- honey living in the room next to me. We plopped down on the floor to just chat and get aquanted and she LAID DOWN AND SPREAD HER LEGS! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Suzie grew up in Pleasantville and I guess folks are a lot ... freer there or something.

So I flirted with her and gossiped and walked about in my pajama bottoms often (you know the girls back in high school always loved watching me play basketball in just my shorts).

Heck, I even gave her my patented Basil Backrub.

And then under the willow tree, I managed to sneak a kiss.

She said I curled her toes, kissing her like that!

Unfortunately, despite showing me the goods, that was as far as she was willing to go that day. Talk about needing a cold shower.

Well, I figured a cosmopolitan honey like this needed to be wined and dined before she'd give up the goods. So, maybe I exagerated a bit about the money our family has. But she didn't have to know that, right?

After a fabulous night downtown, we headed back to the dorms. Fortunately, she didn't want the evening to end any more than I did. Before I knew it, we were rolling around on my bed, getting all hot and heavy. I swear, if I had to take a cold shower that night, that chick woulda been gone in my book!

However, turns out she was wanting it just as much as I was. And you know something, Pipsqueak? What they say about sex... well, it doesn't even come close to the real thing! I saw stars when we peaked!

I'm glad she was really ready for it by the time we got to the deed, if you know what I mean, because Suzie had been a virgin too. But from the smile she gave me afterwards, I guess I did things right.

Okay, back from class and doing my homework. Mom would -kill- me if I got anything less than a 4.0, as I'm sure you know quite well. So, where was I... Oh yeah, Suzie.

Suzie asked me if I'd ever "experimented" with playing the other side. At first I didn't realize what she was talking about, but when I did, I told her no, I hadn't. But there was this one guy I'd seen around campus I wouldn't mind trying with.

Although I let Sweet Suzie know in no uncertain terms that she definitely had -all- the right equipment for this man!

I think we made a bit of a scene at the restaurant though and the matre de asked us to leave. I don't know what his problem was. It's not like we were getting stains on the seats. Yet. Hehe

So Suzie and I rushed back to the dorm and hopped into the hot tub. Next thing I know, she's crawling on my lap!

Let me tell you, that was the BEST hot tub soak I've ever had! I swear, ever since our first time together, we're like rabbits or something.

She even told me she wanted to try it with handcuffs next time. When I asked her which one of us was going to be tied down, she giggled and said we'd take turns!

Towards the end of the year, we decided to risk going back to that fancy-pants restaurant. I realized over the course of the year that I wasn't going to find another woman like Suzie. She was into all the same things I was and she didn't care about some of my "oddball quirks" as mom calls them.

So, I figured I should pop the question. I mean, she's got a slamming body, a brilliant mind, and is always ready for a quick tumble no matter where we are. What more could a boy ask for!

She realized we were definitely made for each other and said yes without a moment's hesitation. I know mom and dad will freak and say I'm too young. But we're not dropping out of school and we won't get married until we both graduate. But I wasn't willing to risk her slipping into another man's bed while I wasn't looking!

(Yes, in case you haven't already figured it out, Suzie is a Romance sim. Hence why she was CONSTANTLY spinning up wants on their dates to have sex... well, -everywhere-.)

We toasted to a long and happy life together (which, as long as we both stay as gorgeous as we are, we'll keep wanting to WooHoo, which means we'll be happy) and then I flagged down a cab to take us home.

So hurry up through college! You've gotta meet Suzie and I'll introduce you around to other folks.

Oh! I almost forgot! When you get here, watch out for Mrs. Crumplebottom. Apparently she terrorizes everyone around town. She's got this overinflated opinion of her own opinions and has an absolute fit whenever someone so much as holds hands in public. And I think she keeps a brick in her purse.

She's definitely an absolute loon though.

P.S. Give mom and dad my love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just caught up with your story and I must say I am enjoying it! I can't wait to see where Basil's life leads (will we see that even though he's not the heir?) and how the legacy line pans out.

3:39 PM  
Blogger simstar28 said...

When did Basil become a stud? Lunatics don't usually do well with women. I love that he hooked up with a romance sim, she will get her use out of him.

9:43 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Basil sounds like a romance sim. Doesn't he? Are you going to try to reroll him and see if you get him as romance? I know he's a family sim. Hehe.

Basil is a stud though. *drool* Man, I need to get laid. *ROTFL*

Great update!

7:41 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

A few quick replies. Alexis: Yes, we will still see Basil’s story, even though he’s not the heir. Simstar: He’s a stud in his own mind. I haven’t quite decided if/how Burdock will react to Basil’s letter yet. *g* Anjel: Actually, Burdock is a Pleasure sim, so I figure he fits RIGHT in with a Romance sim. ;-) Now, to figure out if she’s going to take other lovers (and if they’ll survive the experience of cuckolding Basil…).

I will give you guys a little teaser though and let you know that their child is BEAUTIFUL! :-)

8:26 AM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

He's a pleasure sim??? Pleasure sims have wants to adopt??!? He had the thought bubble to adopt a while back. *scratches head* Must the the popularity part. *scratches head confuzzled*

11:59 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Wow, um, if one of my siblings sent me a letter like that talking about all the woohoo they had been doing and all that fun stuff, I wouldn't want to read it. I don't want to know about their sex life! hehe. Great update and I love that picture of their first kissing behind the tree, very cool.

12:56 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Looks like I'm reading these in wrong order or something, lol. Anyway, uh oh Suzie. You shouldn't laid down and spread your legs like that when dressed like that! Patented Basil Backrub, hehe. Oh my, he's writing all that to his younger brother. Basil!!! Ha, Suzie is Romance.

7:10 PM  

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