Friday, November 25, 2005

Generation 3, Chapter 4

Vacha Family

Satellite House

Arizona loves to play with her baby sister. Hopefully she and Aspen will be friends for life.

Time sure does fly! It's time for little Aspen to grow into a toddler already.


And here's young Aspen. Although it's hard to see in this picture, she's got her dad's green eyes and black hair, the Vacha lip and I'm not sure what skin tone, but I -think- she might have the Vacha custom skin too.

"Daddy! Daddy!"
*grin* As annoying as it is that they cancel out anything in their queue to go say hello to a returning parent, now that it doesn't happen every day I think it's incredibly sweet.

Basil and Arizona are having a quiet dinner just the two of them, since Suzie and Aspen are both upstairs asleep.

"Daddy? Why do our things break so much?
And daddy? Why does mommy do kissy-faces with the different repair men who come to fix our things? She makes a face like this! MWWAH!"

*cough* Okay, despite how it looks in these pictures, there was a day or two in between Ari's inadvertent "outing" of mom and her transitioning to teen years. And her family is all there, I just decided we didn't need to see yet another picture of everyone blowing their horns or twirling their noisemakers. ;-) So, anyway, without further ado, I present to you the transitioning of Arizona!

"Aeronwy, I'm already done transitioning. And hey! I actually got a pretty cool outfit for my birthday! I love mom's taste in clothing. This skirt goes wonderfully with my hair."

"So? What do you guys think? Mom? Dad? Um, guys? What's so interesting out there? The birthday girl is in here!"
Well, I'm here and paying attention to you at least, Ari.
"Thanks, Aer. I knew I could count on you."
Arizona rolled a Family aspiration, but no Lifetime Want (and I haven't gone back into the house since to check out what her heart's desire is yet). Interesting that a Pleasure and Romance sim couple should raise a Family sim... seems wrong somehow. I mean, Family shouldn't be because one is rebelling against one's parents, should it? Anyway, I left this household where it stands and went to play catch-up in the overwhelming main Vacha Estate.

Vacha Estate

A quick family portrait of the Vacha family. Coryander is such a ham for the camera, don't you think?

Our founder and her husband take a moment out to admire their portraits and not-so-subtly remind their controller that she hasn't gotten around to getting the 2nd Generation portraits done yet. And then they go and do this every freaking day! Alright already! I'll get to work on it! Sheesh.

Cory doesn't seem to mind that her mom walks a slightly shady path in her life. Of course, what Cory was doing up at this time of night, I have no idea.

Remember the visitor I told you to take note of at some birthday party back in Chapter 1 of Generation 3? Well, here she is again. *cough* As mentioned before, I didn't realize anyone had died until I wanted Burdock to go feed his cowplant and saw the option for him to milk it. I thought about having he ressurected, but then figured what the heck, there's one ghost out of the way. :-) Besides, Burdock wanted to see her ghost, so I locked in the want and then waited. And waited. And ... well, Jenny finally decided to come out of her tombstone.

And this is mostly all she ever does. She just wanders back and forth outside (never so much as sets foot inside the house for some reason) making angry fist-into-hand gestures and thinking about the babies in the house. Either she wants to kill the kids or she's waiting for them to grow up so she can haunt the house properly.

She also thinks about one of the, erm, Strange brothers? (One of Vidcund's brothers, whatever their last name is.) So she thinks of him and then waves her arms wildly about like what the sims do when they really really want something, like sleep or fun. Guess I should have someone in the house make friends with this guy and invite him over during the evening to see what she does with him there. *grins wickedly* Could be fun!

And yes, the first night she went haunting, I had Burdock go running outside, hoping to see her.

And here is Jenny Smith's only scaring to date. I mean, her only one, even up to my current play-time. Even though folks have been outside on evenings she's been wandering the grounds, she's never scared anyone else. She's such a sweet ghost, appearing only to the one person in the house who -wanted- to see her.

You know, their entire married life, these two NEVER spun up a want to WooHoo. Flirt, appreciate, tell jokes, tickle, yes. Even once or twice the want to kiss. But never to make out and never to woohoo. So, now that they're elders, what's at least one want in their panel? To woohoo, or to woohoo in bed, or woohoo in the car, or woohoo with Talin/Anise specifically. *rolls her eyes* Dirty old people. :-D

Hmm, Talin, I wonder why you're sitting there in your underwear and thinking about your wife...

"Because we just had WooHoo again, ya big nosy-body. You know that 'cause you're the one who let us do it. Now go away and let me bask in my post-woohoo glow."

Heh, I think we'll just end this chapter here. *wave* (I'd like to take a moment to apologize for the rather ho-hum tone of this chapter. It's been a crazy week both at work and at home and it's "that time of the month" AND I'm sick on top of everything. So I haven't been feeling terribly creative, but this has been sitting out here for a week now and it's been bugging the heck out of me that I haven't done anything with it. Hopefully the other chapter I've got loaded (which I hope to post this weekend, maybe) will be better. Sorry!)


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Well, since most of the members of the Yahoo! group are women, we ALL know how you feel, Aer. :O} But I still enjoyed your update. It was funny. Quite amusing in places. Hehe. And the families look like they're doing just fine.

8:41 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

I love seeing Arizona, she is still gorgeous looking! as for dad Basil still has that hot looking body ;)

Still a good update, I loved that part "Because we just had WooHoo again, ya big nosy-body. You know that 'cause you're the one who let us do it. Now go away and let me bask in my post-woohoo glow." lol!

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I just love the way you write, Aeronwy!!

This family is great! The kids are so cute!


11:29 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Oh come on, you can't blame your time of the month on anything. Back in the old days women had to put up with it while they tended to the kids and the crops and cooking and cleaning...hehe. Just kidding. =)

I liked this chapter, anyway. And I have never had such animated ghosts before who hated babies and waved their arms and everything. Mine just float around scaring people.

12:04 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Hey, you didn't tell us what Basil answered Arizona when she asked him about kissy faces, lol lol! Ghost Jenny is really odd btw, why is she thinking of her brother? At least it looks like she's thiking of Pascal Curious.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

er lol great blog and jenny IS vidcunds sister by the way they have the same parents glarn and miss ( i forget) curious

8:59 AM  

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