Sunday, November 13, 2005

Generation 3, Chapter 3

Vacha Family
Satellite House

Here's a close up of little Arizona. I believe I'd mentioned it before, but she's got her grandmother's red hair and her grandfather's brown eyes (and mom's tanned skin). It's nice seeing the previous genetics come into play like this.

I'm not sure which one of them is having more fun. Basil trying to teach Ari to walk or Ari teasing her dad by refusing to.

"The time goes by so quickly. I can't believe our little girl is already going to be a child! She'll be going to school this year and everything now."
I know what you mean, Basil. (Especially when the house is played at medium speed. *cough*)

And here's Arizona as a child. Nope, I didn't change her hair (as I'm sure you can figure out by the fact that she's only first carrying off her piece of cake). She's got her grandmother's custom hair entirely, not just the color. :-D

"And daddy? When I go to school, I'll make lots of friends, right?"
"Of course you will, Pumpkin."
"And daddy? I won't have to play with any stinky boys, right?"
"Only if you want to, Pumpkin."

"And mom? Can I play soccor when I go to school?"
"You might skin your knees if you play soccor, Arizona."
"And mom? I'll get to learn all kinds of new things when I go to school?"
"Of course you will, Ari."
"And mom...."
Geeze, I don't know about Basil and Suzie, but I'll sure be glad when little miss chatterbox goes off to school!

Now, Jill. Just because you heard through your husband that his brother came into some money (yay for good chance cards!), that doesn't mean you should be casing out the joint! He's family, after all!!

"Hi Miss Busdriver! You're taking me to school now, right?"
"Yes, hon. Now go find a seat."
"And Miss Busdriver? You'll drive me and my friends home after school, right?"
"Yes. Now please find a seat."
"And Miss Busdriver? Can I sit up front so I can watch?"
"Um, no. Please go find a seat in the back..."
Heh, can't say I blame her.

*keeps her mouth shut and quietly leaves Suzie to her privacy...*

With the very nice chance card and some good promotions and another child on the way, Basil decided it was time to move his family to a bigger home. Unfortunately, the home wouldn't fit on their old property, so they moved to the other side of the Vacha Estate. One of the only homes in Strangetown to have a fully manicured lawn, even!
The two long rooms on the left-hand side are the office/study in the front and the entertainment room in the back. The small room at the right-hand front is the conservatory (an easle is there, but eventually I'll put a piano in too). Behind that is the kitchen and off to the left of the kitchen is the table (sort of in the main entry room).

And a shot of the back of the house, complete with a pool and all of their career rewards and date gifts and other assorted outdoor things.

And a shot of the upstairs. The front left-hand room is currently unoccupied. The back room is Arizona's. Each with their own bathroom. Next to Ari's room is the nursery. Next to the nursery is the master bedroom and that bathroom. (The bedroom is actually significantly smaller than the other 2 rooms, but the bathroom is much bigger. I figure they needed to both be able to pee at the same time, whereas the kids needed to have room for toys.)
There is another small room at the front right-hand corner, but I don't know yet what I'm going to use that for.

And Basil finally got tired of being mistaken for that other townie. That and he was grumbling far too often about the 70's Era clothes I'd had him in. So, this is now his everyday outfit. How I let him talk me into going around shirtless, I have no idea. At least he's got a nice cut abdomen to show off.

And a close-up shot of our middle-aged boy.

After getting teased mercilessly by the outfit her mom had insisted on dressing her in, Ari managed to convince her dad to take her shopping. I think she's very happy with her new clothes! I know I am. :-)

It's nice to see a Sim look excited when her stomach pops out for a change, instead of the surprise they usually express! I swear, she should have been a family sim, not romance.

"Mommy! Mommy! Is that my little brother or sister in there?"
"Yes, Ari. In a little while, you'll get to meet them. You'll be a good big sister and help take care of the little tyke, won't you?"
"Of course I will, mommy! Hi little brother or sister! I can't wait to meet you!"

*cough* okay, so this is obviously out of order, given that she's still in her old clothes. But oh well. I love watching the kids rush out to greet their parents. Especially now that they don't do it every day.

Uh-oh... looks like Basil has gotten himself a new pet. And no, I am NOT going to go listen in on his thoughts!! *shudders*

Basil! Your wife is pregnant! Can't you show a little decorum and at least WooHoo in the bed?
"Hey, she's the one who wanted to come out here and do it. Scold her! I'm just letting my wife know I still think she's sexy and doing it wherever she wants to."
Okay, so maybe she really is a romance sim. *shakes her head*

And yup, Basil -still- dreams about this guy. They have 0/0 relationship points, but despite almost 2 children and a wife who constantly wants to have sex, he still thinks about this guy.

Um, Suzie? What are you doing with Blazej Trimble?
"Hey, if Basil is allowed to have wet dreams about some guy, I'm allowed to do what I want too."
Yeah, but, I mean, you're pregnant with Basil's kid there!
"I don't mind. And obvious Blazej doesn't mind. So just butt out."

~Who's that man? Did something break in the house?~
~Ah, crap. Cut it too close and the brat's home. Just act casual...~

"Hi Mr. Man!"
~Ignore her and maybe she'll just forget I was here.~
"Bye Mr. Man! See you later!"
~He wasn't very nice for a repair man.~

"Mommy! Mommy! I got an A+! I got an A+!"
"That's great, Ari!" ~Now let's just hope you continue to be oblivious about strange men being here...~

A little father/daughter bonding time before the new baby comes.

Basil! Can't you give your wife a little privacy?
"I can't help it. She's just so sexy, I have to whistle at her every time I see her."

"BASIL!! Wake up!"
"Hmm? Oh! Oh, it's time already!"
At least this brother doesn't take the time to make the bed while his wife is in labor.

And Basil cheers the birth of his newest daughter.

Meet little Aspen. She has her daddy's dark hair and green eyes and it looks like she's got her mom's tanned skin.

"Who's my good little girl? Who's daddy's little angel?"

Even with her cheating ways, Suzie is still happiest when she's taking care of a little baby. I swear, this Sim absolutely confuses me.

I just thought this was the cutest shot, I simply had to include it. I know Aspen is going to hate me for it when she gets older, but I couldn't help myself! *melts*

And no, we haven't forgotten about Arizona. Here she is pretending she's got a baby of her own. :-)

See!! Sim children CAN play with the teddybears in a sweet and gentle manner! No smacking them on the floor or anything! Just talking with them and cuddling them. *hugs Arizona* She really is an angel of a child. And wait until you see her as a teen. She's a real cutie! But I don't have those pictures formatted yet, so you're going to have to wait a while. *g*


Blogger Just Moi said...

Lovely family and I umm enjoyed how little Arizona thought that stranger man was the repair guy :)
Basil should seriuosly stop havig wet dreams about that guy esp. when sleeping with his wife ewwwwww LOL

2:18 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Romance sims. I swear! She's got that handsome piece of "man beast" in her home, father of her children, and she's flirting with some buzz-cut idiot who doesn't even have the decency to talk to Arizona like he was just a casual visitor! GEEZ! But woo! Basil does look nicely cut, doesn't he? *drool* ;O)) And the new baby is beautiful.

8:19 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Arizona is a cutie! Can't wait to see her as a teen - I thought she looks nice in that outfit though :)

4:24 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I just love Arizona, she is so cute! "Hi Mr.Man!" Don't you just love the chatterboxes? hehe. Loved this update, it was great! Too bad Basil wasn't the heir because Ari would be a great heiress. And the new baby, so cute with those green eyes and the little baby butt! hehe

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh that little Ari is too cute..."Hi Mr. Man!" *gushes* Basil and his brother make me go "goo goo gaa gaa"


11:22 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Little Arizona turned out to be quite a chatterbox, lol. Wow, Basil looks great in his new everyday outfit! Eek, Bad Suzie, stop cheating Basil! The pic of Suzie changing Aspen's diaper is cute, yes. Oh my, do we have a sim kid who actually doesn't bang her teddy on the floor?! I thought they all do it, lol.

6:13 PM  

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