Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Generation 3, Chapter 1

Vacha Family

We'll start off this update with a family portrait.

When last we left off, Jill had just given birth to the first child of Generation 3. I would like to formally introduce you to their daughter Coryander. As this generation will have a female heir, she stands a good chance of inheriting the family estate. She has her parents' dark hair and her mother's brown eyes with her father's custom skin, thick lips and round'ish face.

I'm not so sure Cory appreciates your style of peek-a-boo there, Burdock. And suddenly, after their first child, Anise and Talin have spun up all kinds of wants to have more grandchildren, including an impossible want of 20 grandkids (which has even less of a chance of happening then their joint LTW of marrying off 6 kids).

Here's a shot of little Cory getting her first bath.

And while his mom takes care of his kid, Burdock manages to max out his cleaning skill!

Er, okay, a slightly abrupt change of scenery.... we've shot on over to the satellite house where Basil and Suzie live. I'd say Suzie was out partying late last night, but we all know that's not what has her bent over the toilet bowl. ;-)
"Shut up and go away, before I give Basil a knife and send him your home address."
Um, right. Okay, let's move on, shall we?

I've got to admit, given that Suzie is a Romance sim, I thought she'd hate pregnancy. But I've never had a sim look so radiant or have her needs go down so slowly. The only 2 needs that would crash would be her energy and her comfort, each easily fixed by going to sleep for a while.

And a close-up of our lovely pregnant lady.

My goodness how time flies when you don't take unnecessary pictures! ;-)

And the Vacha satellite family also welcomes a daughter as well, little Arizona. (There's a close-up picture of her a little ways down.)

Arizona seems to enjoy her baths more than her cousin Coryander does, doesn't she?

Even changing diapers, Suzie does with a smile!

And here's a shot of Arizona. She has her grandmother's red hair, her grandfather's brown eyes, and her mother's tan skin.

Woot! Look at that. Time warp again! It's already time for little Arizona to turn into a toddler. *dance* (The house got played on fast-foward with only three people here, so it did go almost that fast for me too.)

The tuxedo has to go, but Ari is a cute little girl. :-D She's a Cancer sign with 10 neat, 1 shy, 6 active, 8 playful, and 10 nice. And one of the most even-tempered little sims I've EVER had. I don't know that she even cried when she woke up and if she did, she started playing in her crib almost immediately anyway.

Aaah, the world from the perspective of a crawling toddler!

We'll close out our visit to the satellite house with a shot of our little angel fast asleep.

You know, it's really not fair for a Sim who is just a day or two away from becoming an elder to still look so darn good in her underwear. But I guess she'll flaunt it while she's got it. ;-)

Ooops, and there it goes! Poor Anise didn't even get to make it inside to her cake. She just came home from work and transitioned there in the driveway.
"Why would I want a big fuss made anyway about my turning old? It's bad enough I'm going to slouch for the remainder of my days, I don't need to get fat on cake either."
Good point, hon. Good point.

At least she transitioned into a decent outfit! She looks pretty good for an old lady too. I love that her hair didn't turn gray either. :-D So, what's the first thing Anise does, now that she's an elder?

Why, she goes inside and immediately retires, so she can spend her time with her grandchild!

*pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head* Burdock, Burdock, Burdock.... just what sort of mischief are you causing now?
"Darn, that was mom's stalker, wasn't it?"
Yup. Quick, go pretend you were doing something different.

"Dude, what's your problem? I'm just sitting here playing a game of chess by myself."
"$(*@#, get up from that table and face me like a man! And where's your mom...."

"You get off my property and stay away from my mother! She's spent the last 50 years happily married to my dad and wants nothing to do with you!"
You tell him, Burdock!

Ah, finally time for Talin to enter his golden years.

"Oy, my bursitis is acting up. I have to go sit down!"
Talin, you don't have bursitis. Just 10 minutes ago you were a healthy middle-aged man. Quit being a hypochondriac.
"No sympathy, I tell ya. No sympathy at all for an old man..."

Although Talin doesn't make a bad looking old-timer, does he. :-)

Aaah, a much safer way to finish maxing out your logic skill there, Burdock. Good boy.

And it's time for Cory to become a toddler! Take note of the visitor visible through the open door to the backyard. Apparently, that's the last time we'll see Jenny Smith. Alive that is. The next day, I thought I'd have Burdock go feed his cow-plant, only to notice he had the option to milk it. My heart sinking, I zoomed over and low and behold, there was a tombstone sitting in the fenced in area with the man-eater. *sigh* I decided to leave her dead anyway though, since that same day Burdock spun up the want to see Jenny's ghost.

Coryander looks so pleased with her birthday cake. She's another sweet child.

Hmm, I obviously forgot to snag a picture of her right after her transformation, but it's really close, since mom's grabbing herself a piece of cake there. So here's another shot of the World From a Toddler's Perspective.

Anyway, Cory is a Virgo, with 10 neat, 3 shy, 9 active, 4 playful, and 9 nice. Not too far different from her cousin. This looks like a good place to close out this chapter.


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Aww! Both kids are absolutely adorable. Congratulations on two girls who can grow up together and hang out. :O)

12:48 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

A little girl transitioned into a tux?! Wow. But both kids are absolutely adorable and I hope *crossing fingers* that they don't get those huge lips and cromagnun eyebrows. =) And cute names! And I'm all caught up! Yay! Can't wait until the next update! =)

1:26 PM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

SimBinger - I just went to ModtheSims2 and ran a search I think on Blur. Then looked through the results for the hak and followed the instructions there. :-)

2:16 PM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Have to say that Anise is hot in her lingerie! She sure fills them in all the right places ;) Congrats on Gen3~

"Dude, what's your problem? I'm just sitting here playing a game of chess by myself." "$(*@#, get up from that table and face me like a man! And where's your mom...." Lol! Nicely done!

4:08 AM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Lol at how time flies when you don't take unnecessary pics! I like the name Arizona and red hair & brown eyes combination. Too bad cow plant ate Jenny Smith. :(

5:39 PM  

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