Monday, January 23, 2006

Generation 3, University Chapter 1

Vacha Family
Generation 3 - University Years

The eldest of the Generation 3 Vacha children arrives safely at Sim State. Arizona Vacha (oldest daughter of Basil (non-heir), oldest son of Anise (founder)). Her outfit is actually very cute, but she knew she could find something more suited to her.

"Of course, if I realized how angry people downtown were, I might have just stuck with my travelling clothes!"
I know what you mean, Ari. I hate how often people get in fights now. :-(

Geeze people, let the poor girl get through to the clothing racks at least! Yes, this is a SECOND fight in the time it took her to walk from where the taxi dropped her off to inside. *sigh*

She really doesn't look like she's enjoying it either. *comforts Arizona* I think this was the only time she went downtown all 4 years of college, the poor thing.

And here's her redecorated dorm room! Suits her to a T, I think. :-D

Our beautiful Arizona, sporting her new clothing and hairdo.

I can't get over how pretty she turned out. If I'd known Basil could produce a kid who looked like her, no way he would have lost out on the Heirdom.
"My life was much easier growing up though, knowing I didn't have to deal with all that legacy stuff."
You were still run by the same rules though...
"True. But we didn't -have- to be, was the point. And in fact, when we got too big for our old place, we just picked up and moved."
Good point.

She looks so happy at college. :-)

Even first thing in the morning, she looks perfect. *grumbles loudly*

I agree. *g*

Quite an accomplished young lady, isn't she?

Hehehe, I can't get over how small Chervil looks next to his cousin. They'll get to be fast friends when he joins her at school, but that's a ways off still.

Hmm... either this picture is out of order or Arizona did go downtown again... Not sure which.

Of course, I can't remember his last name, but meet Damion, the man who's captured Arizona's heart (2 lighting bolts!).

A year later, Coryander (oldest daughter of Burdock (heir), second son of Anise (founder)) joins Arizona at college. Again, I really like her outfit, it just doesn't fit with Cory. So she'll be going shopping soon too (I wonder if that's what that 3rd fight picture was from...)

And here's Cory's redecorated dorm room. Note the mass of open books on her desk. Already hard at work, knowing she's going to have to make it on her own when she graduates, since she's not the heir to the Vacha Estate.

This is a look that suits our Popularity sim much better!

She approved of the change as well.

Towards the end of her sophmore year, Arizona realized she truly had found the man of her dreams and asked Damion to marry her. It looks like he thinks she's quite a catch too, since he didn't even hesitate before he said yes.

Dude, you're supposed to be giving her a back rub, not climbing inside her skin!

And this picture just FREAKED me the heck out. Arizona is talking about her UNCLE (Burdock) here!! And no, there was no hidden thought bubble of someone else she was attracted to. I mean, yeah, Burdock is a hottie, but geeze, she's his neice and a Family sim for crying out loud!

Besides, he is VERY much in love with his wife. An autonimous action on his part that they both had the want for. Is it any wonder she wrote her romance novel about him? :-) Next chapter will be much bigger. I'll probably just shove all of the remaining college years in there for all 5 Vacha children.


Blogger Just Moi said...

Oh I love it when they do those sweet lovey dovey thngs all by their lonesome that's love :)

7:26 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Let's face it ... Burdock is a hottie. If he were my uncle, I'd probably have red and pink hearts about him, too. ;O)) And the girls look great! I love their rooms!

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Vacha's! It will be interesting to see how the 'kids' do at college.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Marcie said...

Great update.

11:59 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Absolutely love the girls dorm room! Especially Ari's hehehe~ Those clothes are great choices for them too!

Ari's growing up about to start a family already? *tears in eye*

3:47 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I love all the makeovers and stuff! The rooms and the outfits on the girls look great and it looks like they do suit them! No more creeping us out though...she's just lovin' on all her family, huh?

7:53 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Nice that Ari found a man of her dreams while studying. I hate all the fights, too. Wow, Burdock really must be a hottie, even his niece is having hots for him. :)

12:47 PM  

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