Thursday, January 12, 2006

Generation 3, Chapter 11

Vacha Family

Okay, Chamy, I know you're a Romance sim and all, but don't you think it's a little creepy to be congratulating your father about WooHoo?
"What? Mom was saying how good in bad dad was and I think it's great a guy his age can still perform."
*mutters softly under her breath about creepy kids*

And here Chervil sneaks out to go hit the town with his cousin, Aspen. Not sure where she got such a hot car from, but oh well!

And a successful dash back inside and into bed! But boy, was he exhausted when he got home from school later that day. :-D

*walks away*

Talin didn't waste any time coming to check out that his bed was still there. But that was about all he did that night, besides wander around aimlessly.

Anise also made an appearance that same night. She's happy to see their marital bed was still around as well.

Unlike her husband though, she didn't stop there. She made her feelings on Chamomile's change QUITE plain!
"Damnit, Aer, can't you do something about their tombstones?"
Nope. Sorry. Going to TRY to keep them around for my ghost points.
"I get to move out soon and never come back, right?"
Nope again, kiddo. You're the heir. You're the only one who HAS to come back.
"#*$&%$^(%^, then get rid of these stupid ghosts!"

What with them being a Romance sim and a Pleasure sim, the twins decided their room needed a decided make-over. I rather like how it turned out! (Although I did have to move the plants to the foot of their beds, since they couldn't get in.)

Le Rowr! *winks at Cleve* Jill reached the top of the Criminal Career track. Now, normally, I'd then start sending a perma-plat sim bouncing through careers to snag the rewards. But, I'm sorry, she looks freaking HOT in this outfit! She gets to stay right where she is. :-) I'm sure Burdock will find some way to thank me. Hmm, you know, I think her portrait might have to be redone in this outfit...

Although apparently, Anise doesn't think much of her daughter-in-law being a Mastermind Criminal. Made the poor woman pee her pants there!
"You had to point that out to them? I mean, they might not have noticed if you hadn't said anything!"
Oops. Um, my bad. Guys? Forget I said anything, okay?
"It's too late now. They've all seen it."
Oh, quit pouting. You're still a good looking sim. I can make you stop drinking Elixir and let you get old, you know...
"A little embarrassment is a good character builder."
Mm-hmm, I thought so. *smirks knowingly*

Why are you stomping on those flowers?
"Because I'm angry!"
Why are you angry?
"Because I've found ONE stinking teen in this desert stinking town and he turned me down for a kiss!"
But what does that have to do with those posies?
"They're just so pretty and I don't want to see them!"
*steps out of earshot*
Poor Chamomile. Being a Romance sim, all she wants to do is flirt and kiss and stuff. And I've had a devil of a time finding teens for some reason. Well, I should say, teens she didn't have a negative lightening bolt with. Poor thing was heading for a shrink visit when she fortunately ran into Arizona's old boyfriend, Blair. He's certainly an easy one to have a teen hook up with. :-)

"Basil, what happened to Suzie?"
"I don't know dude."
"It's me. Your brother. You can tell me."
"I swear, I don't know. We'd had another fight and she went storming off to the back corner of the yard, near Bovine's cage. I never saw her again."
"You promise you didn't do anything? I remember how you got when we were kids..."
"Nah. Now, her lover, Amar... let's just say that Bovine fed well that night."
"Basil, Basil, Basil... don't you know the cops can find stuff like that?"
"I've already refertilized his cage and milked him to remove any essence of Amar. It's cool."

~Sis, the place is going to be ours soon!~
~Finally, the old stick-in-the-mud is going off to college.~

~I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast!~

*pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head*
Chamy, you're not supposed to be checking out your -own- butt.
"Why not? I've got a FINE backside here."

Will all of her free time, only having to work a few evenings a week, Jill has decided to write a novel. A romance novel. Of course, she's a Fortune sim. Wonder where she's getting her inspiration from?

I don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I think that's pretty sweet. And looks like a good place to close out this chapter.


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

A very humorous entry in your Vacha Family Saga. I enjoyed it immensely. I especially love the twins, and their "weirdness". Their new room is NIIIIICE!

And awwww! That is sweet that she's writing a romance novel about her hubby-bubby. :O))

11:19 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

I loved the whole Chamy stomping on the flowers episode.. that was a good one! lol!

2:58 AM  
Blogger S Ramis said...

Chamy is a hoot!
I enjoyed the updates!!
Hopefully Jill's novel will sell -oh's about Basil, it'll be a best seller!! :0))

10:33 AM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I liked this one with Chamy giving her brother a backrub and your caption for it, Chamy stomping on the flowers, all of it. You need to split up those siblings though...don't want them getting too close, you know, like Flowers in the Attic close. =)

7:44 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Chamy is a little creepy congratulating her father about woohoo. Never seen a teen stomping flowers like that, she must have been really pissed off! The new room is nice and fits for the twins very well. Most of the sims look ridiculous in that Criminal Mastermind outfit but it Jill looks great in it! I bet her book was a bestseller. :)

12:35 PM  

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