Friday, March 03, 2006

Generation 4, Chapter 2

Vacha Family

So, when last we left off, Chervil had kicked us out to go find a doctor. Of course, you and I know there's no such thing as an OB doctor in any Sim city, so let's just slip quietly back inside and see how things are progressing, shall we?

~Oh, please let my daughter give birth to another straight A student! Basil will never let me live it down if his kids do better than mine in school!~
~Oh my god, oh my god, my sister is having this baby without a doctor here! What's wrong with Aeronwy, making her do this again!!~
Chervil, as the Controller, you know I can hear what you're thinking, don't you?
"WHAT?? Oh, oh my, that means you know..."
Yup. I know all about it, sweetcheeks. *grins like the Cheshire Cat*
"Oh crap..."
Pshaw, I'm not all evil, you know. In fact, if you behave, I may even let you have what you want...

But now, on to more pressing matters. Chamomile gives birth to a healthy happy baby boy. Meet Dill Vacha - Black hair, brown eyes, S1 or custom skin (I won't know until he gets older which it is).

Aww, that's so sweet! Chamy is handing her newborn son over to her brother so they can bond. :-D

Or, she's handing him over to Chervil so she can give birth to Dill's twin sister, Daffodill Vacha - Black hair, brown eyes, also S1 or custom skin.

(Author's Note: It looks like something got messed up with the formatting right here, but I can't seem to fix it. Sorry! And damnit, trying to fix the formatting for the next picture, which was also messed up, I deleted the picture of the twins holding the twins! *grumbles and stomps her foot*)
(Author's Note 2: So I apparently fixed it somehow, but the picture is still gone. Ah well.)

So, anyway, even with the birth of the second set of twins in the Vacha line, Chamy doesn't forget her first-born son. Another one of those incredibly sweet, purely autonomous actions. These Vacha's really are so precious. :-D

And because infancy is rather boring (and rather stressful with twins), let's move on to the twins toddler birthday!

Dill Vacha gets tossed in the air by his grandmother, Jill. Dill is a Virgo: 10 Neat, 2 Shy, 9 Outgoing, 4 Serious, and 10 Playful. (He's got 35 points!! Sweet!)

Perfection! Our new heir! Oh, he's so going to be a little heartbreaker, I can just see it, with those big soft brown eyes. *sighs* And no Talin lips!! *does a happy dance*

Daffodill Vacha is helped into toddlerhood by her grandfather, Burdock. Daffy is a Pisces: 3 Sloppy, 3 Shy, 9 Outgoing, 4 Serious, and 8 Nice.

It looks like she got the Talin lips, but otherwise seems to be doing well in the genetics department.

"Marie Mazza, will you be my friend? Everyone in the house is so busy with the twins nobody has time for me anymore."
Not exactly true, but we'll let tempermental boys be tempermental boys. ;-)

Chamomile and Burdock teach the twins how to walk.

While our founder, Anise, looks on. I think she is quite pleased with how the family is turning out. She hasn't scared anyone in quite a while and hangs around the windows wherever the twins are located. :-)

Chamy works on getting her pre-pregnancy figure back as soon as possible and maxes out her Body skill.

Burdock, meanwhile, reads through some of his old journals, wondering about people he's lost touch with over the years. This was Tamara Landry, a young girl he and his brother had met long ago. Basil had a crush on her, but she seemed to connect more with Burdock. Fortunately for their sibling relationship, Burdock never went beyond friendship with her.

Welp, that's it for this chapter. Next time, we get to venture into the realm of the taboo. :-)


Blogger Marcie said...

Wow twins again! COngrats on getting your heir!

8:47 PM  
Blogger Just Moi said...

Oh I so like it when you get a set of twins by surprise ...and Dill looks so cute and this taboo carrot you keep dangling in front of us LOL :)

9:59 PM  
Blogger systemlove said...

Dill looks so mature already! Chamy is looking great!
another great update.

12:13 AM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Yay! TWINS!! Congrats, Aer! HA-HA! Take THAT Chamy! *grins* But I'm glad you finally got your no-weird-lips heir. :O)) But I won't say that maybe he'll look different as a child ... y'know ... to worry you and all. *evil grin*


10:05 AM  
Blogger j00ky said...

Great chapter! Love that pic of the twins holding the twins :P (Jill + Dill.. *giggles* ) Dill looks great! Yay to no Talin lips lol

7:12 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Awww, Dill is a cutey with the normal lips. =) Great update!

9:01 PM  
Blogger taratownie said...

Hey I did see the pic of twins holding twins. :) It's a great one. Yes I can see Dill will be a hearbreaker as an adult. :)

4:05 PM  

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