Vacha Legacy

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Generation 3, Chapter 8

Vacha Family

Such a sweet and normal family. One about to undergo a few changes.

"Mom, why can't I go travelling after college?"
"Because you're our heir, sweetie. You have to come back here and continue on your grandmother's legacy."
"But there are no cute guys here, mom!"
"I'm sure you'll make do, Chamomile. I'm sure you'll make do somehow."

All three children working on their skills over the weekend.

Ever since Anise's death, Talin just mopes around the house. He's not only already picked out the suit he wants to be buried it, but he's wearing it all the time, so he's ready for whenever the Grim Reaper comes for him. He looks at the pictures on the wall, remembering his younger days (yeah, yeah, so I STILL haven't gotten Jill's portrait done)...

Or off in the family cemetary, mourning the loss of the love of his life.

I swear, these two scare me sometimes. It's like they're not really two people at all, but one person split into two bodies.

Hah! Finally a sign they might be normal siblings. First time I've seen them do anything that might piss the other one off. *dance*

And Talin just had time to change back into his suit after his afternoon nap when Grimmy finally came calling.

(Hmm, you know... I can't think of any cute or even remotely interesting quote to put here. Oh well! Moving on...)

"Oh, I've heard about these drinks!"
I'm not sure if Talin is excited about going or if he's having second thoughts, but either way, it's time to say goodbye to a very sweet townie spouse (even if he did curse my family with those lips).
Talin Trimble-Vacha
Died at the age of 75 with 10 friends, leaving behind a decent dispursement of funds to his children and grandchildren (which of course, I forgot to write down).
Family sim, with his lifetime want unachieved. I believe he died in the gold though, darnit!

Nobody feels much like cooking, so they invite a few friends over and order in a bunch of chinese food, talking about some of the more entertaining stories of their Founder's husband. The girls become best friends in their grief too.

I guess even Anise wanted to come to Talin's wake. Here's her first appearence (although she's hard to see). She didn't do much, just cried at the spot she'd died in...

...played with the tub, and just sort of floated about for a while before going back to the other side to reuinite with Talin.

Poor Coryander was completely inconsolable for days after her grandfather's death.

Whereas the twins expressed their grief in a different way. They went downtown and picked up some new clothes that they felt fit their personalities better than what their parents had given them. Here's Pleasure sim Chervil with his new shades.

And dressed all in hip black.

Romance sim Chamomile went for a far more drastic makeover. It appears her grandparent's influence was the only thing keeping this little hellion in check! Her mom is too into her own appearance and her father is too into achieving his own brand of perfection to pay much attention.

I feel so sorry for the boys in high school...

During this tumultuous time in the Vacha household, Burdock achieved his Impossible Want of maxxing out all 7 skills.

That same evening, he underwent his own brand of makeover as well. I guess I can see why he wouldn't notice his youngest childrens' obvious cry for help...
(Burdock achieved his 2nd LTW of becoming a Mad Scientist, his 1st having been to become Chief of Staff. I guess I can see the connection.)

I dunno 'bout you guys, but I know I sure as heck don't want to run into him in any dark alleys any time soon! I'd be lucky to walk away only missing an organ or two! *shivers* (I love the lighting I somehow got on this picture. *dance*)

Okay, after that last image, I think I want to end this chapter with a much more pleasant picture. So we'll just play Peeping Tom here as Chervil takes a shower without making sure he's modestly covered. Although, you know, being a Pleasure sim, he might have planned that. Oh well, he's still cute!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Generation 3, Chapter 7

Vacha Family
Satellite House

*sighs loudly* Aaah, such a happy normal well-adjusted family. Everyone's so loving and considerate of each other.

Well... almost everyone. Suzie seems to be rapidly making the rounds of eligible men (and I'm sure some not-so-eligible men) in Strangetown. I think this is her 5th affair to date. And with Nervous, no less!

~Damnit, mom, the baby's in the house and you're pulling that crap? Bad enough you do it when I'm home...~

"It's okay, Aspen. Let's go downstairs and I'll get you something to eat and we'll watch a little television. Really loudly..."
At least one of the two people home is concerned about the little one's needs. Someone else seems to be concerned only with her needs.

"Sweetheart, I just wanted to tell you how very proud I am of you. You're doing so fantastically in school I have no doubt you'll get some great scholarships for college!"

"Thanks, dad. But look, I'm halfway through high school and I really think we need to talk about this again."
"I'm sure I don't know what you're referring to, pumpkin."
"Yes. You do. I'm talking about mom."

"Look, it was bad enough when she had her flings leaving when I got home from school as a kid. But now she's bringing them home and doing them with Aspen in the next room! I don't want her growing up with that sort of crap like I had to."
"Arizona, stop!"

"Look, I know your mom's a bit of a space cadet, but I really don't think she'd be doing what you're implying she's doing."
"I'm not implying anything. I'm telling you flat out. Mom's screwing around on you with half the men in town. And if you don't deal with it, then at least find a way to shelter Aspen from it."

Poor Basil. He really doesn't want to face what's going on.

~God, is Arizona right? Is Suzie really cheating on me?~
~Man, he's so gorgeous. But why does he look so worried?~

Good try, Suzie. But I'm thinking it might be too little, too late. But I suppose we'll see. It's not like my Sims haven't surprised me before...

But now, on to happier events. It's time for Aspen to transition into a child! *cheers*

"Help daddy blow out the candles, swee'pea!"

Daaaaayyyaaammmm, that girl outta try out for the basketball team! :-)

And I proudly present to you Aspen Vacha. In a rather hideous outfit and with a hairstyle I'll go change momentarily.
~My little girls are growing up so fast...~
*hugs Basil* Poor guy.

Heh, well, ditzy me forgot to take a post-makeover picture. But the next few pictures will let you get a good idea of what Aspen looks like. :-) And what is the fascination little girls have for makeup?

Yup, the girls are still the best of friends, despite the differences in their ages.

Basil takes the time to each his youngest daughter how to study properly. No matter what else goes on in one's life, it's important to get good grades.

Basil, what's that?
"Huh? This? Oh, it's nothing. Just a new toy I picked up."

Uh-huh. Methinks someone is having a bit of a midlife crisis there.
"I am not!"
So then what? Trying to prove your verility with a powerful motorcycle?
"Um, no. I'm having a midlife crisis."
Okay. *grins and wanders off*
"It's a midlife crisis and don't you go saying otherwise!"

Ouch. Poor Arizona. That really looks like it had to hurt.
"Thank goodness the school photos were last week, 'cause I'm going to have one heck of a burn on my chin!"
And think of the rumors that will start...
"I'm a Family sim, not Romance!"
That just makes it all the more fun to tease you.
*Arizona pouts and stomps off*

"Charisma is important, sweetie. If you can schmooze well, you'll get far in life. More importantly, people will give you what you want if you can phrase your desires well."
"And I believe air pollution should be curbed. Especially hot air emitted by people who should simply keep their mouths shut." ~Not to mention their legs...~

"...and so the kids at school were talking about this new game and it's got this neat race car stuff and controllers and..."
~Why has Basil been so distant lately?~

The girls playing SSX3 together, with Basil watching and cheering each of them on. Have you caught on who's usually missing from most of these family pictures... *shakes her head* She really is a space cadet, isn't she. So darn tired from all her extramarital affairs that if she's not studying for a promotion or eating a meal, she's usually asleep when everyone else is home.

Speaking of extramarital affairs, Suzie has brought Carmen home from work. Lover number 6 (7 if you count Basil). She's either completely oblivious that her family is on to her or she no longer cares. Arizona is taking care of cooking dinner as Aspen takes a short nap, while...

...Suzie heads upstairs with Carmen.

Apparently, the ladies were loud enough to wake Aspen up from her nap.

"Carmen, my husband should be home soon, so you've got to hurry out. But we'll definitely head out for lunch tomorrow, okay?"

Just a shot of young Aspen greeting Basil when he gets home from work. You know, I'm realizing, the girls have NEVER once rushed out to welcome Suzie when she came home. I guess children aren't quite as oblivious as Suzie would like to think, eh?

Burdock and Jill get an evening off from watching their own kids and come to visit (they were both autonimously walking by outside, so I had Basil rush out to greet them before they left the lot).

Jill and Suzie were friends while Suzie and Basil were still in college (but I didn't realize it until the boys were both graduated and starting their own families). If only Jill caught on to what was going on with her brother-in-law's family, maybe she could have said something to her friend. But, being the Diva she is, she's mostly interested in her own affairs. (No, not THOSE kinds of affairs!)

We'll close out this chapter with a shot of the brothers reconnecting. They've lost touch over the years, dealing with their own family issues and, although still friends, they'd drifted apart and had a lot to catch up on. They talked late into the evening and were the best of friends again by the time Burdock went home (Jill had left hours earlier).